Episode Seven - Outside the Box

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Prince Lotor watches as a shuttle lets out a group of alteans into the hangar. Behind them, is the opening the displays an elevated view of the colony. However, none of the alteans give more than a glance in that direction. They have eyes only for Lotor. The new group of alteans is just the latest in a series of arrivals, and they soon join the larger mass of alteans standing directly in front of Prince Lotor.

Lotor smiles as the new group arrives.

"...alteans...my friends. You have shown great bravery in following me on this journey in the name of justice and duty. Together we will save the universe from this false Voltron. Some of you have already taken the first steps into this dark conflict, and regrettably have been lost. They will be remembered, and avenged..." He pauses for effect. "...but before any one takes one more step there is someone you should meet. You've already all already been introduced to my honorable mother. Now...it is time for you to meet my father."

With that Prince Lotor turns to the far end of the hangar, where a door opens. Emperor Zarkon steps out into the light. He strides over, drawing the eyes of every altean in the hangar. He steps up beside Lotor, then takes one step further, as if to show who is really in charge.

"...I am Emperor Zarkon."

The begin to mutter amongst themselves with confusion, and what looks to be fear.

"I understand you have heard stories of me." Zarkon says. "Stories from your ancestors no doubt, of the man who destroyed altea. But these are lies that were spread ages ago, deceiving even your own forefathers. I am not here to destroy but to rebuild. I am going to crush this pathetic imitator Voltron. If you serve me faithfully, as you have my son, then once I am done, I will grant you a new world. One where you will not have to hide from outside forces, or fear from invading enemies. If you fight in my name, I will grant you something no other being in the universe can: a new altea."

The alteans fall into a stunned silence. Lotor gives his father a questioning look. Zarkon nods slightly.

"I understand this may confuse many of you." Lotor says. "That it may conflict with what some of the stories you were told by your parents, or grandparents, or great grandparents." Lotor says. "But you must understand that this is the final test. Where does your faith lay? With old stories told second or third hand, whittled and distorted by thousands of years? Or do you trust in me? In us? The ones who rescued you, and have given you everything?"

The alteans seem to hesitate for a moment. Then, at the head of the group, Luca speaks up.

"Hail Lotor, and his father Zarkon!"

This seems to break the alteans from their moment of pause. Slowly they all begin to repeat the chant, until the whole of the alteans are repeating it. Lotor smiles, satisfied. Zarkon turns away.

"You see boy? I am capable of a subtler hand. When it suits me." Zarkon says the words in a low enough voice that it is only heard by the two of them.

"Thank you. For playing along."

"Just do not forget who's shoulder this falls upon if it fails. You may have your toys, boy. Just make sure I am not forced to step on them."

With that Zarkon walks back out of the hangar, leaving an uneasy looking Lotor, with a crowd of chanting alteans behind him.


Keith lands the Black Lion on the field just in front of the Galaxy Garrison base. He lets out a sigh of relief before getting up to exit his lion. The other Paladins do likewise and they are met with a small crowd of family members.

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