Episode Three - A Robeast Appears

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Raimon stands to the right of Zarkon, unmoving, like a statue. Sendak stands on the other side of the Emperor, shifting the fingers of his artificial arm subconsciously. The three of them are inside a small hanger, overlooking the colony from a hidden position in the dome. The light from the colony's artificial sun reflects off Raimon's dark red armor, as he stares down, at the fields dotted with distant houses and other structures. A transport ship flies inside the hangar and lands. A moment later the hatch hisses open, and Lotor exits, followed shortly by Honerva. Raimon finally looks up, as Zarkon begins to speak.

"This is the fourth time you've visited." Zarkon says. "I hope you are not wasting all of our time mingling with your lessers boy."

"Hardly." Lotor replies. "I am merely preparing them for the coming war. Today I introduced them to Mother. You should have seen them. When they found out she had birthed me, they were practically worshiping the ground she walked upon."

"Pathetic. But, useful for the time being." Zarkon admits. "Forget your cult of worshipers for now, you've had enough time for glory. Now we are to find something more immediately useful."

"You mean-"

"This second colony of yours. We're going. Now."


The research laboratory is a dark place, empty equally of life and light. This is changed when a blast of blue energy smashes the door to pieces. Raimon stands in the now empty doorway with an outstretched hand, which crackles lightly with energy. He steps aside to allow Zarkon to enter, followed by Lotor, Honerva, Sendak, before Raimon himself brings up the rear.

"Why not just break it down yourself?" Lotor asks his father, eyeing the shards of broken metal that were once a door.

"A lesson. Sometimes it is important to remind those who you command who their leader is."

Lotor eyes Raimon, who does not react. The Prince then shrugs and turns to examine the room.

"Now let's see what I was up to here..." Lotor steps over to the side of the door way and waves his hand above a scanner. Lights in the room flicker on, and the contents of the room are revealed in full light. Bodies, hanging in canisters of fluid line the walls. It is clear that they are altean.

"Oh." It is all Prince Lotor seems to be able to say.

Zarkon laughs. Lotor looks at his father with confusion. Zarkon shakes his head the barest ghost of a smile on his lips. "So much for your 'second colony.' These alteans were led to this moon like a Migrap to the slaughter. They were foolish to trust you."

Raimon walks up to one of canisters and places his hand on the glass.

"But...why?" Prince Lotor asks, looking away from the canisters disgustedly. "I can't imagine my alternate would do this without very good cause."

"Quintessence." Honerva says, suddenly. "Alteans we...they have a unique relationship with quintessence."

Lotor nods, and walks over to one of the display and takes a readout from a small display on the side. "...right you are mother. They've...they've been sucked dry. This...yes, this makes sense. It was the only way he could get such pure quintessence. He...did what he had to." The Prince says, more to himself than the others.

Raimon turns away from the canister he stands in front of . "This area may not be secure. Permission to patrol the outside perimeter?"

Zarkon tilts his head as he stares down at Raimon. "...denied. Keep searching this area. I want to find what else my son's alternate was hiding. Sendak, you too."

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