Chapter 9- The Christmas Ball 1995

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It's the evening of the Christmas Ball and everyone is in a good mood. We're having cookies and hot chocolate in the common room whilst having a laugh.

"So, it's the last night of 1995 at Hogwarts" George says.

"Is anyone getting the old nudge, nudge wink, wink?" Fred adds.

"I wish!" Ron exclaims, and we all laugh.

"Oh Ronald, that is disgusting" Hermione scoffs.

"How is that disgusting, Hermione? That's normal. That's how you were born."

"I know how I was born. I'm not eight!"

"Well- "

Ginny interrupts Ron, "Have all the girls got nice dresses?"

"Go on, Ron" Fred says.

"You got a nice dress?" George adds.

We all laugh and Ron says "Yes, it's a nice pink one, it's yours actually, Fred."

The room is filled with laughter.

"Pink dress? Must've been the girl's I slept with last night."

This makes us laugh even more.

We have a nice conversation and then go to our dorms to get ready. I slip into my long red dress and put some makeup on. Just saying, I look gorgeous. Hermione and I strut through the common room with everyone staring at us and we walk into the Great Hall. I immediately spot Malfoy as a beautiful Waltz song is playing. We hold eye contact for a few seconds until I get interrupted by Fred and George with shots on a tray.

"Hello ladies" Fred speaks.

"Would you care for a shot of Vodka?" George adds.

"No, I'm alright thanks- " Hermione says, and I interrupt her.

"I'll have one" I say and grab a shot off the tray, and down it with no hesitation. The twins laugh and walk away.

"Be careful Jessa, I don't want to be holding your hair like I did the first ball you came to" Hermione tells me.

I snort "Don't worry. I'll be careful."

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Granger and Carter. I'm surprised you aren't with your boyfriends Potter and Weasel-bee" Malfoy says as him and Zabini walk up to us.

"Oh, shut up Malfoy, shouldn't you be with Parkinson or something? You always seem to be with her" Hermione tries to insult him.

Malfoy and Zabini share a laugh and Malfoy says, "You're quite the funny sort Granger, maybe you should stop being so invested in my life and focus on your own. You do realise that Lavender Brown is looking at your boyfriend from across the room. Does that not scare you?"

"No... of course not... come on Jessa, let's go to the boys" Hermione pulls on my arm as she says this very worriedly.

I give Malfoy a dirty look and he is smirking. "Fine" I say as I walk off with Hermione whilst I can hear the faint laughter of Malfoy and Zabini. Why did he scare Hermione like that? "Don't worry about Lavender. She has nothing on you."

"Thanks Jessa but I'm not worried. She can have Ronald. I don't mind."

I smile "Okay Hermione, whatever."

A few hours pass and we're dancing on the dance floor to some waltz music. I'm a bit tipsy but nothing major. I'm dancing with Dean because we're best mates so it's not awkward, whereas if I danced with Harry it would be weird. He's dancing with Ginny anyway. I actually think they're so cute together. As Dean spins me around, I lock eyes with Malfoy who is dancing with Pansy. I try not to let it get to me, but it does. I thought he didn't like Pansy. He even told me that the other day. I hope he's not just messing with me so that I fall for him and he can just laugh in my face. That would not be good.

After about an hour, I'm sitting down, watching everyone have a good time. I'm drinking a glass of butterbeer. I scan the room and I see Malfoy once again and he's sitting alone too. He catches me staring and gives me a cheeky wink making me blush. I smile and he smiles too. He gestures me to go out into the hallway with his head and hand. I nod and he walks out of the Great Hall. I wait for a second and then walk out to see him leaning against the wall where we both shared our first kiss together.

"Hello Carter" he speaks in a sexy tone.

"Hi Malfoy" I reply, slowly strutting over to him with our eyes locked on each other. I reach him and our eyes lock like they always do. He looks me up and down.

"Your outfit is disgusting. Doesn't suit you at all" he compliments me.


"Perfect. So, have you made a decision yet?"

"Hmmmm. No."

"You better get thinking, you do like me, right?"

"Well, I think so but I can't tell."

"Oh, I see. You do like me then."

"What? Did you not just hear me?"

"I did. I can just tell."

I smile "What makes you think that?"

He places his finger on his lips "Can't say."

I nod slowly "Oh okay. Well you can believe what you want to believe, and I'll just keep the truth to myself."

"I think you and me both know what the truth is."

"You sure? Because I don't think we do" I flirt with him.

"I'm very sure. Jessa?"


"Can you promise me something?"


"That when we start dating, you still won't tell anyone."

"When we start dating? You're kidding yourself Draco."

"Am I really?" He smiles and moves my hair behind my ear. "Your hair is so dry, it feels like straw."

"Thank you" I say, and he smiles.

"Why do you even have to think about it? I mean don't you see it yet?"

I shrug my shoulders "You see, dating you could be the best decision I ever made, or it could be the worst, and I need time to think through all the possible outcomes. If I just say how I feel right now I could go away for winters break and then change my mind. Just please let me think."

He nods "Okay."

"You will wait for me, right?"

"Possibly" he smirks.

I giggle "Just don't move onto Pansy whilst I'm gone because I will kill you." I then hit his chest, and his warm hand holds mine.

"Fine" he whispers.

I lean in and kiss him on the cheek, and I feel blood rush to it as though he is blushing. As I retreat, he gives me a warm smile and I leave him stuck against the wall to join the ball. After the ball we all just head back to our common rooms. We have such a laugh, and it makes me sad that I have to leave them for two weeks, but I need this break to think about Malfoy.

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