Chapter 8- I Can't Lose You

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I am seriously struggling to breathe, and I can't feel any part of my body whatsoever. This is really the end, isn't it? My eyes begin to feel slightly heavy. It's so dark down here I feel like I'm already dead.

Unexpectedly, I can just about feel a grip onto my hand as I notice that I'm coming back up to the surface. I look up and see Malfoy holding my hand, trying his hardest to swim me back up. His legs are kicking forcefully and quickly. A few seconds pass and I'm getting closer to the light.

Malfoy puts all his effort into his arms as he launches me onto the surface, and I can finally breathe properly. I'm shivering so much right now, and my body is soaking from head to toe. I catch my breath with a lot of coughs as I am on all fours and staring at the ice. I nearly died. Thank God he saved me. I turn around to thank him but he's not there. SHIT! HE'S UNDER THE ICE NOW! WHAT DO I DO?? I CAN'T LET HIM DIE. OH MY GOD. NO.

I start panicking as I start to feel parts of my body now but I'm still very very very cold. What can I do? I need to do something. NOW. He can't die. I can't deal with that. Fuck. I can't go back in the water. I'll die too. Wait! I know, I can use my wand, right? But what spell do I use? There's only one spell I can think of to make things float. I'm just going to try it.

I clear my throat and get my wand out of my coat pocket. I point it down into the water and I can just about see his white locks. Then I scream "Wingardium Leviosa!" Suddenly, a force from my wand crashes into the water, splashing into my face. I hold my wand there, praying that I can save him. Oh my God. I can see him getting closer! This works! I'm saving Malfoy! This is incredible. His head pops out of the water and he lifts into the air and I gently place him onto the ice. I then stop and get his stiff hand to pull him onto the grass. I look at his extremely wet skin and his hair is blocky and silky. His eyes are closed, and I feel for his pulses. I can hear them beat.

Lightly, I tap his ice cold pale face "Draco? Hello? Can you hear me?" I ask with tears streaming down my face. "Wake up. Please! Come on. I can't lose you." I sob as I lay on his stomach. What should I do? I need to do something. Oh yes! I can do mouth to mouth. I sit up and stare at his blue lips. My head leans in and I open his mouth. I take a deep breath and my mouth meets his and I start to blow. A few seconds pass as I keep blowing hard. I then try a bit of CPR on his heart and then back to mouth to mouth. Snow is landing on our faces as tears can't stop flowing out my eyes.

"Draco! Draco please! Wake up!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I then forcefully go down to do my last breath of air into his mouth and I feel all light headed. My head starts moving and I feel like the world is spinning. My whole body just rolls onto his and my eyes close.

"Jessa? Jessa! Are you awake?" I hear a voice as I slowly open my eyes. I'm warm and cosy, I think I'm in the hospital wing. My eyes fully open and it's Dean.

"Oh, hi Dean" I say in a soft tone as I just woke up.

"Oh my God. Are you okay?" He asks, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where's Draco?" I question, not really comprehending the fact that I just said his first name.

"He's here too" he whispers, "What happened?"

"We were having fun on the ice and we fell. He saved me and then I saved him. Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's fine. Jessa, I thought you were going to move on from him. What happened to that plan?"

"I was going to go with the plan, but he really opened up to me and I realised that maybe we should be together."

"Are you crazy? Did you not think about the times he abused you?"

"Yeah but that's just the way he is because of the way he was brought up."

"That's not an excuse for his actions."

"If you can't support the fact that I want to be in a relationship with someone that I actually care for, then maybe you should just get out of my business because clearly you can't be a good friend."

"Are you actually being serious? You know what, I'm just going to blame this whole conversation on the fact that you just woke up, and we'll talk about this later because you are definitely not thinking straight."

"Whatever Dean" I huff, and he walks off.

I sleep for a few hours and I wake up and it's the morning. I sit up in my bed as the sunlight hits my eyeballs. I take a sip of water and I can see Malfoy sleeping in one of the beds. He looks so cute. Madam Pomphrey tells me that I'm free to go so I head to my common room. When I enter, everyone stares at me with many questions. I lie and say that Malfoy and I had an argument and we both were standing on the ice and both fell in. I did say that we both saved each other, and they didn't really believe that bit. I smile at Dean and he rolls his eyes.

Later that day, I head into the boys dorm, and they all jump. "Dean, I need to speak to you outside."

"Okay" he answers, and he comes outside.

"I'm so sorry for what I said last night, I just kind of like him again, but I need to think about me and him over the Christmas break. But if I choose to go for him then could you please at least try and support us? I know that you'd hate it, but it would make me happier."

"Fine Jessa. Fine. But if it ends badly, don't say I didn't try and stop you."

"Thank you, Dean," I say and give him a big hug.

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