Chapter 15- Draco's Sixteenth

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If you don't like sexual content, don't read this chapter.

Today it's the fourth of June 1995, that means it's Draco's sixteenth. It's a Sunday, but tomorrow at school is a study day so we are still going to party. Draco obviously invited me, so I also invited my friends too. They were quite confused when I told them he invited me, but they don't seem to be that bothered though and just agree to coming too. The theme for his birthday is to dress in dark clothing as he is an emo. We have all bought emo clothing and I'm wearing this:

I'm excited to see what Draco's wearing, hopefully a black suit

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I'm excited to see what Draco's wearing, hopefully a black suit. We're all getting ready in our dorms as excitement fills our heads. Even Hermione's excited, I think she is excited because she loves the dress she's wearing. We meet up with the boys in the common room who also look very sexy tonight. Black really makes a difference to everyone. Draco told us to sneak into the party at exactly seven as he knows that Filch and all the Professors check around the other side of the school at that time. He said to be fast though as they go round to the Gryffindor side fast. We wait until seven and then we all leap to the door and creep our way to the Slytherin Common Room where Draco is already outside to let us in. He's looking very handsome too. As I wanted him to, he's wearing a full black suit. Wow. He lets us in and because I'm the last one in, he holds my back which sends butterflies through my body. I hope we get time alone later, he is sixteen after all.

My group and I make our way to the sitting area where they're handing out shots. Crabbe offers me a shot and I do one as I want to be drunk, as Draco has been on all of my birthday parties. I then make my way, alone, to one of the tables against the wall and get myself an alcoholic drink that is placed in cups. It's so weird that everyone is wearing black, and it's weird because it's dark in this room too. I scan the room to look for Draco, but I see Dean approach me instead.

"Hey Jessa, are you okay?" Dean questions.

"Yes I'm fine. Are you okay?" I ask him back.

"I'm great. So, it's Malfoy's birthday, you planning on doing anything?"

"Yeah, but I don't know when and I don't know how."

"I mean you could pretend that you went off with me?"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. Listen Jessa, you're my best mate and I have your back. I know that Malfoy is a jerk and I hate his guts, but you seem to really like him and I wish you guys the best."

I smile "Thank you Dean. I literally love you" I exclaim and give him a massive hug. "I'll bring over a drink later and tell you to follow me but maybe just hide behind something or go in someone's dorm while you wait."

"Okay, sounds good."

I love Dean. He's just great, isn't he? After about three hours of dancing, partying and drinking, I spot Draco on the other side of the room and I wink at him. His eyes widen and he makes his way through the dancing crowd to get to me. He reaches me and secretly grabs my waist and we dance a little together. I lean into his ear and whisper "Happy Birthday Draco."

I pull away to see his happy face. He leans into my ear and whispers "Did you get me a present?"

"Yeah, why don't you go to your dorm and I'll give it to you" I seductively whisper as my hand travels down his chest and reaches his crotch. I stoke his bulge and I hear him exhale loudly and I carry on speaking "I just need to put my drink down, so you go and get ready and I'll be right with you."

He retreats and walks off, trying to hide his emotion. I head over to Dean and tell him to follow me and the others are shocked. We head into an empty dorm and I give him my drink. I tell him I'll be fast and he wishes me luck. I then sneak across the hall to get to Draco's dorm. I twist the door knob to see him lying on the bed. I smile at him and I quietly shut the door behind me. My back is against the door, "So, I'm guessing you want your present then?"

He nods and says impatiently "Yeah."

"Okay, well here goes nothing" I say whilst I strut over to his bed, his eyes light up.

"Hurry up we don't have all day."

I chuckle as I get onto the end on the bed. I get on my hands on knees and I crawl up the bed and he can see up my top. His eyes are locked onto my cleavage as I reach his warm body. I straddle over him as I rest my ass onto his hard bulge. I lean over and kiss his soft lips as I start unbuttoning his silky shirt. The buttons run out and I start kissing down his stomach, and I reach his trousers. I look up to him for consent and he just places his hands on the back of his head, almost gesturing to me that he is ready. My eyes focus on the outline of his penis, as I unzip his flyer. I pull off his trousers, making him move around a bit to make himself feel comfortable. I've never done this before so I hope I'm okay. To be honest, if I'm not great then he wouldn't know anyway as it's his first time too. I pull down his boxers to expose his penis. This is the first time I'm actually seeing it and I actually like the size. It's not huge, but it's not small either. It's average, and I love it. It's also hairless which I didn't expect, but I'm not complaining. I flip my hair to one side and I bend down to his tall penis. My mouth wraps around it and my head goes down and then up. I repeat this motion a few times, until Draco starts grunting. I then decide to use my hands a bit, to give him more pleasure. As I'm doing this, I look up and see his mouth wide open, head tilted back and eyes closed. He yells my name causing me to go faster. I lift up for a second and I spit on the tip to give me a bit of help with moving. My head is moving up and down constantly and I feel and tight grip onto my hair. It's Draco's hand and he starts controlling the movement of my head, making me go faster at times and slower too.

"Oh Jessa!" he screams, and makes me go faster.

I get faster and faster, without even choking, which is strange as his tip literally reaches the back of my throat. I guess I have a good gag reflex. After about five seconds Draco starts yelling that he's close to cumming. I go even faster and then suddenly, I feel a large amount of warm salty liquid enter my mouth. Instead on spitting it out, I swallow. To be honest, it isn't too bad. I thought it would taste a lot worse. I sit up and I look at Draco who is trying to catch his breath. A smile forms on my face as I've managed to pleasure Mr Malfoy. He looks at me and I ask him "Was that alright?"

His head hits the pillow and he replies with "No, you were shit."

I hit his stomach playfully, "Sure."

He smirks and I get off his bed. He gives me a confused stare "Where are you going?"

"Happy Birthday Draco!" I say in a dead tone and I walk out the room. I feel quite badass right now. I confidently strut over to the dorm where Dean is waiting for me and he looks very eager to know what went on when I enter the room.

"So, what happened?" he questions.

"Well, I may have just received a salty surprise" I tell him and we share a laugh.

"Yes Jessa! Get in there" he high fives me and we head into the party. For the rest of the night, I feel so happy. Draco keeps looking at me and smiling. I'm so glad we finally did something sexual. We've been waiting for so long and now I think we're going to experience a lot more than just that. And I can't wait.

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