Chapter 7- Malfoy's Monologue

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It's now December! Probably one of my favourite months of the year. It's just so magical and beautiful. For Christmas, the school like to decorate by hanging up decorations and having a Christmas tree. I love it. Hermione and I have helped make the decorations this year as it boosts our house points, and we'll take any opportunity to try and win the house cup.

Recently, it has been snowing which just makes it so much more special. It's very cold though which isn't great, but I can deal with it as it's so wonderful. Today it's Saturday 17th December and there's only a week left of school this term and then I'm back in the muggle world for a bit. Great. I do some revision on my desk as I look out into the dark evening sky. I love early nights; it makes me feel so cosy. I take a sip out of my glass mug which is full of hot chocolate. As I swallow the warm liquid, I feel suddenly a lot more mellow. A smile forms on my face as I take a short rest as my mind is full of different types of spells and potions. I feel like I need a break from all this. My eyes look out of the frosted panes as I see small white flakes falling from the sky. It's snowing again. I really want to run out into the snow and make snow angels. Maybe I could go on a walk, just for a little while.

I turn to face Hermione, "I'm going on a walk to have a little break. I'll be back."

"Okay. Don't be too long because revision is so important" she informs me as I put on a coat. I nod and make my way out into the cold air. The snow hasn't set yet but it's very icy. I start walking around the grounds and my nose is getting a little chilly. I see the lake where Malfoy and I have shared a few moments and I decide to go and sit by the tree to relax. I make my way down there and when I turn to look behind the tree, I see Malfoy. I huff and go to walk off.

"Wait! Don't go!" Malfoy shouts and I turn around.

"I'm really stressed at the moment. I don't want you adding to it."

"I won't, I promise. Just please don't go."

I look at him with a confused expression. Why does he want me here so bad? I nod my head slowly and I walk over to him. Snowflakes are landing on his white hair and it camouflages when it does so. It's actually so entertaining to watch. I look at the lake which has been frosted over as it's been so cold.

"So, what are you doing here?" I question him to start a conversation going.


"A date? With Pansy?"

He nods.

"Well, where is she?" I continue.

"Didn't show up" he says looking at his shoelace.

"Oh. Wait, you were going to take her to our spot?" I yell.

"Can we not just have a conversation without having an argument?"

"I'm sorry... but I can't help it when I couldn't care less about you and your love life and I don't really like you at the moment, so I don't care about your feelings."

"Fine. You can fuck off then. I don't need you around anyway" he raises his voice and turns around. He makes his way to the tree and sits down with his back against it. He looks really sad. I sigh and roll my eyes. I hate that I'm about to do this, but I can't help but feel bad for the kid. I stroll over and take a seat next to him.

"Sorry that she didn't turn up Malfoy" I nicely say as I stare out in front of me.

"You're only saying that out of pity, aren't you?" he questions.

"No, I truly mean it. I don't want to see you like this. I did care about you once, not now, but I did once. And I know that if it was past me looking at you now, she'd tell you that she does like you and doesn't want you to be like this. And even me now is saying that you kind of deserve better. Even though you are a fucking twat, I still don't want you to be unhappy."

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