Chapter 2- First Encounter with Malfoy This Year

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It's been two weeks into this year and I'm loving it. I'm just really taking it all in. Most nights we spend in the common room, having a laugh, but if we're not there then were on the field playing games and just having such a good time. I didn't know how much I needed them to make me happy and it's been so good without Malfoy annoying me 24/7. Talking of Malfoy, he smiles at me all the time, but I just give him dirty looks back. He waved at me yesterday. Well it was only a small one, but it was still a nice gesture. He's acting like he didn't even try to kill my best friend last year. And that he didn't lie to me for the whole year and didn't hurt me physically and mentally. He's just so oblivious to his actions, it's scary.

We've planned that we're having a birthday gathering but only a small one as we've realised that it always goes wrong when it's big. Hermione and I are hosting it in our dorm and basically only the closest people to us are coming. We haven't spread the word so nothing will go wrong. I hope. We're having it the day after our birthday though because it's on a Thursday and we want to drink and stay up late so Friday's a better option. I can't believe I'm turning sixteen.

On Saturday 17th September, I'm sitting on the field doing revision as I get distracted everywhere else. I won't be distracted here. I do half an hour of revision and I look up for one second and see Malfoy strolling over to me. Ugh, what does he want? He reaches me and takes a seat. Who does he think he is?

I stare at him with anger written all over my face. He smiles "Hello."

"Hello? Did you really just say hello to me?" I question in a rude tone.

He smirks "Yeah, is there a problem?"

"Did you just forget everything that happened last year? Did you get memory loss or are you just a fucking dickhead?"

"The second option" he states, cheekily.

"Yeah that's right. You are. You just can't face the fact that you did a bad thing and instead of either leaving me alone forever or actually have the balls to apologise to everyone you hurt, you just pretend it never happened and just hope everyone else does too. It's just stupid really."

He takes a minute to reply and says "So, what are you doing for your birthday?"

"Unbelievable. You're an even bigger knob than I remember" I roll my eyes and pick up my revision and start walking off.

"Nice, a party. I'll be there" he annoyingly remarks.

I turn around, wanting to shout a million different things at him but I choose not to. I don't want to waste my time and effort on him. It's not worth it. I just walk away and don't look back.

When I get back to the common room, I tell Dean about the conversation very quietly. He rolls his eyes "He's such an idiot. I wish you didn't get involved with him. I'm glad you've gotten over him though."

"Me too Dean. Me too."

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