Chapter 13- The Necklace

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It's nearly the end of April and I'm starting to feel bad for how I reacted when Malfoy apologised to me. He was actually being mature for once and I just completely shut him down. Why did I do that? I guess I was just angry that it took him so long to say sorry. He did take long though. And he also flirted with Pansy in front of me and didn't expect me to care. Talking about Pansy, I saw her and Blaise chilling on a bench the other day and they seemed quite close to be honest.

Since the time I talked to Malfoy, the Professors have told the whole of Hogwarts that the Eaterneaters are close, and they're trying to find a way to get rid of them but for now we just have to stay calm and safe. Ron is the opposite of calm at the moment. I haven't seen him this worried ever. He literally can't sleep because he's so scared of getting bitten and then dying. He's more worried than Harry is, and You-Know-Who literally planted them to get Harry, so he needs to chill out a bit.

It's Saturday 29th April, and it's late at night. I decide that I want to go to the lake, as I want to reflect on everything. I get there and I take a seat by the lake and I start picking up stones and throwing it into the water. When it splashes into the water, it's so satisfying. The moonlight is reflecting onto the lakes surface.

I hear a voice and obviously it's Malfoy. "Hello Jessa" he says, kicking his feet with his hands in his pockets.

"Hi Draco" I reply without even making eye contact.

He sits down next to me and starts playing with his ring. I get distracted watching his ring on his finger that I almost forget he's even there.

"Are you still mad with me?"

"Of course I am" I stare into the water.

"But you said my first name."


"I got you something."

"Ooo I wonder what this could be... hmmm... a vibrator" I say sarcastically.

"Close" he jokes and whips out a velvet box.

"You proposing to me or something?" I joke.

"Not yet" he mumbles.

"What?" I laugh.

He passes the box to me and I open it. It's a beautiful necklace with a pendant which is in the shape of a triangle which is red.

"Why's it red?"

"Because it's your favourite colour."

"How did you remember that?"

He shrugs "Just did."

"I feel like I should've got you something now."

"No, I don't want anything."

"Can you help me put this on?"

He kneels behind me and moves my hair to my left and proceeds to place the lovely, cold necklace round my neck. He struggles slightly when clipping it together but when he does eventually do it, he hugs me from behind. His warm body heat radiates onto my back causing me to feel safe and protected. I hold onto his bony arms as his chin rests lightly on my shoulder. "How's the bite?" he asks as his voice vibrates through my body.

"It's a lot better thank you."

"You still keeping my tie on it?"

"Yeah, I even shower with it."

"Lucky tie."

"Shut up."

He gets up and stands in front of me. He asks, "Do you accept my apology then?"

"I guess" I reply, staring up at his grin.

He reaches both of his hands out and I grasp onto them as he uses his strength to pull me up. He grabs my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips grip together and butterflies flutter in my stomach. He holds my lower back and pulls me in, so our bodies are connected. This moment feels like it's lasting forever but it's probably only a minute long.

After the kiss he places his hand on my head and forces me to the ground. "Goodnight" he calmly says and walks away, leaving me speechless. He always knows how to make me feel good.

The next day, I'm studying in my dorm whilst Hermione is watching the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match. I hear a bang at the window which makes me jump. I turn around and Draco is hovering on his broomstick at the window, gesturing me to open the window quickly. I roll my eyes playfully and let him in. As soon as he steps in, I ask "Is this going to be a reoccurring thing?"

"We'll see" he says mysteriously as he throws his broom across the room. He looks at his watch and says "We only have five minutes. Let's make this count."

He pushes me onto my bed and starts taking off his jumper, exposing a white t-shirt. I bite my lip as he straddles me, seductively. He places small kisses on my neck and is starting to lift my top up, but before he can do so, I lift his chin up and say "As much as we both want this right now, you're only fifteen and I'm sixteen. This is illegal."


He gets in a strop and as he's putting his jumper back on, he murmurs "See how it is."

I roll my eyes and say "Oh Draco, stop being such a baby and wait for your birthday."

"My birthday?" he smirks slightly.

"I have a few thigs planned" I raise my eyebrows seductively.

He smiles and gets on his broom, leaving my dorm.

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