Chapter 5- School Trip

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Friday 4th November. Today we're going to a small village which is really far away, to get some revision equipment and some new potions for the O.W. L's as we do a practicals. At first, I thought it was stupid to go out during the day to get some school supplies, but I don't mind now because we miss Muggle studies. We all get on a boat which takes us across the lake to the small village. Everyone is excited to be out of lesson. Hermione's telling us about all the books we should get to get better grades but we're all zoning out and staring at the lake as it ripples on the water. It's quite windy today so all our hair is flying around and it's so funny.

When we get off the boat, I see Malfoy with his friends, and he looks sad. He always does. I think he's actually doing this for attention now. It's annoying. We all start walking around the busy shops in the village full of old witches and wizards giving us dirty looks. I pick up a few books for revision and place it into a shopping bag.

"Which ones have you chosen?" Hermione questions.

"These" I open my bag and show her the books.

"No Jessa. That one is not the right level for you. You achieved so high last time. You can't just give up!"

"Sorry I didn't realise."

"You need to look at the front cover. It tells you" she points at the front cover "See, this says Basics. You need..." she searches the shelf. "Here. This says Advanced, so take this."

I take the book and I look at the price "Hermione, this is more expensive!"

"Yeah obviously. It's got better things and more things. Jessa, you have to have this book unless you want to fail."

"But Ron got the basics book."

"Exactly" she says and walks off. I guess I'll just play a little extra for it.

As the day goes on, I spend a lot more money than I wanted to on loads of school supplies. Hermione gets lots of new stationary as she says it makes her work better. I get tired so I decide to sit alone on a bench whilst everyone else carries on buying. After a few minutes, I feel a warm presence next to me. My head slowly turns, and I see Malfoy sitting next to me, however he is looking away. He then turns to me and we hold a second of eye contact.

"What?" I ask in sort of a rude tone.

"Just resting" he replies and looks out in front of him.

"Well could you rest somewhere else because this is my bench."

"I didn't know we could claim benches."

"Ugh. Shut up."

He smirks "I'm here to discuss what happened the other night at the fayre."

"It's about time."

"I was drunk. I know that what I said was stupid- "

"You can say that again."

"Well what I said wasn't true."

"That's such a lie. Just admit it Malfoy, you like me."

"No. You like me."

"No, I don't. I think I just need to tell you this before we do this all again."

"Go on then."

"I don't like you Malfoy. Like I'm being deadly serious about it this time. I not giving you anymore chances to make it up to me. We're over. I genuinely hate you. Like I really hate you a lot. So, I have some advice for you, move on. I want to see you happy and I know that if you're with me then you won't be happy. You should be with someone you get along with because we don't. We can't even go a day without arguing because we clash so much, and we just have different views on everything. We're also in different houses so it's so hard to be with you so all I'm telling you is to move on."

He stares at me with a blank expression. It's almost like he didn't hear anything I said or he's trying to process it. He nods and just stands up and leaves me on the bench with no response. That was weird. Why did he not say anything? Did I upset him? I'm glad that I got that out my system though. I'm glad he knows now. I do hate him. I do.

Later that day, we all get back on board the boat and I see him start talking to Pansy. She starts giggling. I swear she is meant to be with Blaise or something. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Why should I be? I just told him to move on and now he clearly is. I told him to do this so I can't say anything.

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