Chapter 6- Malfoy And Pansy

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The date is Friday 17th November and it's lunch. We're all out in the courtyard playing games and eating food. I've hardly seen Malfoy around, maybe he's finally let me have some peace and quiet. Ron is telling us a hilarious stories about his family when I can't help but see Malfoy behind Ron. Pansy is leaning against the wall and he is facing her with one hand on the wall. If he just moved a few centre meters closer, they'd kiss. I look away but when I try to concentrate on Ron's story, my eyes wander back into Malfoys direction. Why am I jealous? I'm so stupid. I know I told him to move on, but I didn't mean it. Well I did but not whilst we still have something. Wait, we don't have something. I hate that guy. I think.

A few days go past and it's now Saturday 26th November and I'm in the library studying for the O.W. L'S at the end of this year. I want to be as prepared as I can, because I am two years behind everyone else. It's so stressful though. Like I know I did well in the mocks, but I can't just rely on that because I could do shit in the real thing.

As I'm scanning through books and jotting notes down, the door swings wide open. I look up from my work to see who let a draft in and it's Malfoy. He's stood there with a grin as he holds eye contact with me. I roll my eyes and carry on with my work and not let him distract me. After a few seconds I hear a "Pssst" coming from the book shelf. I look into the shelf and see Malfoys eyes. I squint mine and look away.

"Oi" I hear him call me again.

I look at him and he gestures his fingers for me to come over there. I shake my head and he puts his hands together as if he's begging for me to come over there. I finally give in and make my way behind the book shelf where he is. He smiles.

"This better be important" I quietly yell at him.

"Okay so you know you told me to move on... well I have" he whispers as he gives me a big grin.

I shrug my shoulders "Okay. What do you want me to do about it? Give you a medal? Give you a pat on the back?" I ask in a kind of jealous tone.

"No, I want you to tell her I like her."

I snort "No thanks."

As I turn to walk away, he grabs my arm, spins me around and pulls me up to his face, "I won't take no for an answer."

I feel butterflies flutter around my body as his warm hands radiate through my bones and into my heart. My eyes locked with his makes me want him. But I don't. I really don't. He has me hypnotized. "What are you trying to do Malfoy?"


I get him off of me, "From September this year, all you've been trying to do is make me like you back. Listen, I don't like you, now stop trying to trick me."

"Trick you? I've done nothing. That's just you having feelings for me. That's got nothing to with me."

"Are you having a laugh? I don't have feelings for you. You just keep trying by grabbing me and smirking! I know what you're trying to do, and I hate you for it!" I shout but under my breath as we're in a library.

He huffs "And you call me obsessed with myself? Funny. I was just trying to be nice for a change and instead, you just be rude to me. You act like I'm not human or something. Like I'm never nice. If I wasn't a little bit nice Carter, I would have just left you at the bottom of that hill when you broke your arm but no. I had you on my back as I carried you back to Hogwarts whilst trying to fly on the broom at the same time. If I wasn't nice that day, then I would have just left you there."

"Thank you for not leaving me and taking me back to Hogwarts... but just because you were nice once doesn't mean that you've never horrible. I mean you've slapped me in the face, you treat me like shit and... and... remember when we had fights in third year. You can't even say you're a nice person."

"I'm not saying that I'm always nice you idiot. I said that I can be, and that's what I was doing but if you can't except that then I'll just be a dick from now on."

"That wouldn't be anything new."

"You're not so nice yourself, you do know that right?"

"Well, I'm nicer than you."

"Ha. No, you're not."

"Are you saying that you're nicer than me?"


"That's weird. I didn't think I could do anything worse than try and kill a fellow student!"

"There's more to it than you think."

"Oh really? Well what I think is that you're an idiotic loser who needs to just deal with the fact that I think you're a selfish prick!"

"Fuck you! You don't understand."

"I don't understand? Well of course I don't understand. I really don't understand why the fuck you would want to hurt my friend."

"Just shut up Carter. You don't understand how hard it was for me."

"Oh, I'm the victim. Everyone should feel bad for me even though I'm a dickhead" I mock him "Just face it Malfoy. You couldn't wait to watch my best friend die. You were probably so upset when I swooped in and saved him. I bet you cried yourself to sleep that night."

He shakes his head "You're even more of a bitch than last year."

"Yeah, to you! You can't even expect me not to want to wrap my hands around your neck after all the shit you've done to me!"

"And you think you're the only one who wants to do that here. I'd love to squeeze your neck so hard that all the veins pop out and blood splats all over my face and then I'll lick it off."

"You're a monster!"

"You are too!"

"You make me feel sick. You know what, move on to Pansy! I'm sure she'll enjoy you killing her when you're done with her."

"Oh, I'd love to. She will appreciate me a lot more than you ever will."

"I don't care! You can marry her!" I yell and people look at me.

"Shhhh" Malfoy puts his finger on his lips.

"Maybe she'll actually make you a better person... probably not!" I shout and get my revision and storm out the room. I can't believe he's such a fucking knobhead. I don't even care if he does go for Pansy. She can have him. I don't have time for silly boys like him.

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