Chapter 11- How Could I Be So Stupid?

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At the beginning of February, I don't tell anyone about the Eaterneaters bite, as people would be suspicious of why I was in the forest on my own, so I just wear long sleeved tops. Since I told Draco the truth, he's hardly spoke to me, he seems to avoid me. On Valentine's day I am close to asking him on a date, but he holds onto Pansy's hand before I even approach him. Wait, what is going on? Does he like Pansy now? Is this what he's doing? He's playing with me. Well I'm not letting him affect me, so I'll just walk away and ignore him. I can't believe he just did that to me. After I told him what he clearly wanted to hear. He's such a knob, I wish I never chose to go for him. I knew that was a stupid idea.

I spend the whole Valentine's night just in my dorm. Hermione asks if I'm okay and I just lie and say yes even though I'm not.

A week later, my mark starts to hurt so I decide to tell Snape as he seems like the kind of guy to know what I should do.

"Snape?" I question as I take a seat in his office.

"How can I help you, Carter?" Snape asks and he takes a seat opposite me.

"Well, a few weeks ago I was being an idiot and exploring a forest across the lake on my own and as I was doing that, I got bitten by a bug. I've covered it with a tie because I've heard they like Gryffindor blood" I show him my arm with the tie on.

"Oh my, I believe you have been bitten by an Eaterneater I suppose."

"I think so. Is there a way to cure this or get rid of the bugs?"

"Hmmm, I must say Carter, you we're being very rebellious going to that forest over the lake. There are many bugs over there that you have to be careful of."

"Sorry I didn't know."

"If you were a Slytherin you'd know."

"Slytherins know?"

"Yes, all the students from Slytherin know that the Dark Lord spawns his creatures there."

"Oh well that explains a lot" I mutter.


"Nothing... so are there many out there?"

"No. They are easy to kill but we need some sort of potion or something to get rid of it. Us professors need to do some deep research."

"Is there not like a book or something to teach you how to?"

"Not that we know of. There probably is one somewhere in the world but I couldn't tell you where that is. However, I really shouldn't be helping you Carter."

"How come?"

"I'm technically on the Dark Lord's side, nevertheless I will help an innocent student like you."

"Thank you so much."

"I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Why do you have a Slytherin tie wrapped around your arm?"

I hesitate for a second "There was one on the floor in the forest" I lie.

"Strange. Also, that is extremely unhygienic, you could get an infection."

"I think I was more worried about dying than having an infection at that point in time, Snape."

I leave the room and see Pansy and Malfoy walking together. I give him a dirty look and walk away. He's such a dickhead. Why did I believe what he said? And why did I tell him I was falling? That's what he wanted to hear wasn't it? How could I be so stupid? And why did he bring me into that dangerous forest?!

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