Chapter 16- Revision

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On Tuesday, we meet again at the classroom to do a few more things to the potion before it will be ready to let free on Sunday. Draco and I plan to tell Dumbledore on Saturday, so he has a day to prepare. It's kind of awkward at first as I gave him a blowjob on the weekend. That was so fun though, I want to be like that with Draco more often.

"So, did you enjoy your present?" I ask, watching him put a few things in the liquid.

"It was decent" he says in a dry tone.

"Just decent yeah? Well if it was just decent, then it won't happen again then."

He looks at me with a worried expression "No. It was great. Really it was."

"That's better, but I won't accept that."

"What? That's a good thing!"

"Yeah, but not good enough. You came Draco, that means it was better than just great."

"What do you want me to say? Oh, it was so amazing it was like putting God on my knob?" he sarcastically jokes.

"Exactly that" I smile, he rolls his eyes and gets back to work. "You know, I gave you pleasure that time, do I get any or is this just a one way thing?"

He gives me a shocked expression "You want pleasure?"

"Yes" I say.


"You could come on your broom on Saturday, Hermione's at the library studying for the exams next week."

"Shouldn't we be revising?"

"We can, in my dorm."

He nods "Fine, but we actually do have to revise though."

I smile and he carries on with the potion. Ahh! I can't wait for Saturday now.

If you don't like sexual content, feel free to skip.

It's finally Saturday, the day I've been waiting for all week. I'm studying on my desk and I say goodbye to Hermione as she leaves for the library. I wait for about five minutes and I see Draco at the window. I sprint other way and quickly open it to let him in. He smirks and kisses me on the forehead he then demands "We will study and then in reward, I'll give you pleasure."

My heart skips a beat and I get butterflies down there. We head over to the desk and he orders me to sit on his lap as we work. I feel him get a boner, but I try to ignore it as I study potions. Draco gives me neck kisses as I am writing. After a few minutes pass, his warm hand holds onto my thigh, making me lose focus on what I'm writing. I try to ignore it, but he starts stroking my inner thigh, making me horny. He whispers in my ear "You're almost done, then you can get the reward."

I nod and try to carry on with work, but it's almost impossible. He reaches the top of my thigh and places his tip of his fingers on my covered vagina making me exhale deeply. I start breathing heavier as he starts moving two fingers on my covered clit. I stop writing and I hold onto his hand to control the motion as he is really turning me on. "Draco, please can I receive it now" I beg.

"No, you haven't finished" he unfairly tells me. I sigh and carry on with my work. I have three more exam practice questions to answer and then I'm done. I try to ignore the fact he is slowly rubbing my clit. Okay I finished a question, now I have two left. He starts rubbing faster causing me to let out a tiny moan. I shake whilst I write the answer down, I'm definitely getting all these wrong. I finish that question; I have one left. I quickly write this one down as he speeds up the rubbing. 3...2...1... done.

My pens flies out my hand as I stand up. He is sitting there amazed. "Well done, Jessa. I guess you deserve this then." He stands up and towers over me. He places kisses on my neck, and he reaches down to the bottom of my top and pulls it over my head. His arms wrap around to undo my bra and he starts kissing them, making my nipples erect. He then pushes me down on the bed and I relax my back against the headboard. I look down at him and he smirks cheekily at me. I bite my lip and he grips his hands on the top of my jeans and he pulls them down, leaving me in just my thong. His eyebrows raise and he then places to finger onto my clit again. He starts rubbing making my breathing uncontrolled. He watches for my reaction, as he takes off my thong.

I lie there, naked in front of Draco. His eyes lighten up as he leans over reaching my face. He smirks and I feel his cold hands touch my vagina. I exhale in his face as one finger enters me, and his thumb takes control of my clit. He grunts as he starts moving his finger in and out making my mouth drop open in pleasure. I gasp as another finger enters and he rubs faster. I let out a small orgasm as he picks up speed with his finger movement. Another finger then enters causing me to orgasm loudly.

"You like this?" He questions. I nod with absolute pleasure. He smirks and keeps going fast. For a moment he slows down so I can catch my breath, but then speeds up again, leaving me no chance. He gets faster and faster until I feel as though I'm about to cum. I warn him and he just gets faster. Suddenly, I let out a sigh of relief as I ejaculate on his hand. Draco smirks and licks his wet fingers. I am laying on the bed, breathless. He was so good, wow. I didn't think he'd be this good. He gets of my bed and looks over me "You need to see Dumbledore to tell him about the potion. I'll see you tomorrow Jessa."

He then just gets on his broom and flies away. My naked body is just stuck in one position as I take in the last minutes of sensation.

The sexual content ends here (if you skipped)

After a few minutes, I get dressed and head to Dumbledore's office. I'm still shaking from what just happened. I enter his office and I tell him about the potion and how I made it. He seems very impressed and I have to take him to the classroom. All the professors gather around the potion in shock that I made it. I tell them that we just release it into the air tomorrow. They all agree, and I head back to my common room. I tell all my friends about the fact I made a potion, and they all congratulate me.

I later tell Dean about what happened with Malfoy and he is in utter shock. It's so funny telling him things like this because he gets so invested.

Sunday11th June. All Gryffindor students and many professors are standingat the front of the school, waiting for Dumbledore to release the potion intothe air. He does a full on speech and he even makes everyone clap for me. Ithank everyone whilst pulling an embarrassed face. Then Dumbledore performs aspell to let the potion spread and we all stare at smoke rise up with delight.Ron exhales loudly as he can now finally relax. We all stand there watching thegas in the air and we all start cheering. I hug all my friends and Dumbledoretells me that we have earnt numerous amount of house points. My friends jumparound; however, I feel quite guilty as I just watched Draco do it. 

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