Chapter 12- He's So Annoying

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It's been a month and it's the end of March and we haven't spoken once. He's been ignoring me, and I've been ignoring him. Two can play that game. I see him with Pansy all the time, they're practically dating. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it to the world. I'd probably clap because they finally told everyone after all these years of hinting it.

I've seen the teachers talking to each other and suspect that it's about the Eaterneaters. I told all my mates about the bite and they are all worried for Harry, but I said to just not go into the forest, but they keep stressing about it. I almost wish I never told them.

I'm leaving Muggle Studies last period on Friday and Malfoy smiles at me like he hasn't been messing with my head for the past month. I roll my eyes and he grabs my arm "Don't give me that attitude."

"I can do whatever I want. You don't own me" I whisper and get out of his grip. I start to walk away in the empty corridors.

"I know I don't own you. I just smiled at you and you were just rude back" he shouts behind me.

I turn around "Oh really? Was I being rude? Good, that's how I wanted to come across as."


"Why? Did you just really ask that?"

"Yeah? Is that a problem?"

"Hmmm, what do you think? You've been ignoring me for the past month- "

"You did too!"

"Yeah but you also flirt with Pansy like you didn't just tell me that you like me, and you'd never go for her."

He chuckles which makes me angry.

"This is just one big joke to you isn't it? You don't really like me, and you don't care for me and you never will!"

"That's not what I said Jessa- "

"Don't call me by my first name!"

"Why not?!"

"Because we're not that close anymore, take the hint Malfoy."

"Maybe because you didn't come up to me?"

"Excuse me? I literally was about to come up to you and then you held hands with Pansy. Why would I approach you when you're doing that?"

"I would have just let go."

I roll my eyes and start to walk off.

"Wait Jessa! Please don't go!" He yells and I turn around to him right up to my face. I can feel his heavy warm breath on my cheeks.

"Say what you have to say then" I cross my arms.

"I'm... I am... fuck. Hang on" he places his hands on his head "I guess I'm sorry."

"You guess you are?"

"No, I truly am sorry. I shouldn't have been such a dick and just faced the fact I actually like you instead of hiding my feelings by using Pansy as a way to make you jealous."

I take a minute to process his confession, "Well thank you for admitting that you are a dickhead but unfortunately it's too late."

"Too late?"

"Yes, too late. You left me questioning this for a whole month. Did you not think to tell me what was going on?"

"Well I just didn't know how to."

"I'm sorry but I can't accept the apology. Maybe it would be best if we never tried this again."

"What? Are you being serious?"

"Yes, we have never worked, and we never will."

"Don't say that! We can make it work!"

"No, we can't!"

"Fine but I never fancied you anyway" he clearly lies and walks off.

"And hang on a minute" he stops and stares back at me. I continue "I was with Snape the other day, and he told me some interesting information."

"And what was that?"

"Hmm... something about the forest being deadly for Gryffindors, and that all the Slytherins know" I sarcastically say in a high pitched tone.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Interesting."I roll my eyes heavily and let out a loud huff and walk away. Why is he likethis? He's so annoying. 

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