Chapter 4- Halloween

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It's been a month now since I turned sixteen, and it's been great. Malfoy hasn't spoken to me once since I hit him in the face. He gives me dirty looks now. That's how I like it. Halloween is just next week, and I don't think we're doing anything. There's the Halloween fayre again which should be fun, but I don't think we're having a party. I'm still getting an outfit though. I asked my mom to send a sexy devil costume because why not. Halloween night is actually on a Monday so the school have said that there should be no parties held this year.

A week passes and I get into my sexy devil outfit in the dorms after school. Hermione is getting in a kids angel costume so we can be polar opposites. I told her to dress in a sexy one, but she wouldn't do it.

"How do I look then?" I ask Hermione, giving her a twirl.

"What's the word... sexy?" She awkwardly compliments me.

"Perfect" I say, and we walk out into the common room. The boys gasp and the girls give me an unflattering look. I smile and I strut over to our group of friends. Neville's mouth has dropped open and I shut it close.

"Wow Jessa, you look great" Ron compliments me as he looks me up and down. Hermione looks jealous "And Hermione, you look even better."

She blushes and we all head out onto the field. It's cold outside and it's really loud. Probably not the best whether to wear a strippers outfit. I spot Malfoy with his group of friends. He looks me up and down and rolls his eyes. The audacity that guy has.

About an hour passes and I'm already bored. We've done most things here but it's so cold, my fingers feel like icicles and I'm sitting on a cold picnic bench. Neville and Seamus bring over warm drinks and we all sip on it to feel less chilly. I see Malfoy in the distance and he's downing shots of rum or something. What an idiot.

It gets dark and even frostier. Dean, Harry and I head over to the bar to get more drinks for our group and Malfoy and his goons swarm over. I give him a stern look and he trembles a bit.

"Hello Carter, having a threesome or something?" He slurs his joke.

"Very funny Malfoy. You're just jealous you're not a part of it" I continue with the joke. I see everyone pull a confused expression.

"Jealous? You're a joker. The only thing I'm jealous about is..." he looks close to throwing up.

"Are you going to puke?" Pansy questions.

"Well obviously you silly bitch. He's drunk for fucks sake" I scoff, and she gives me a frown. "But do carry on, Malfoy. I'd love to hear what your jealous of?" I sarcastically ask.

He gives me one of those looks you get when you should know something. But what is he trying to say?

"This, this is what I'm jealous about. It's too much for me to handle" Malfoy remarks in a sort of sad tone, drunk.

Everyone looks puzzled and I even play off as shocked even though I'm not. Oh no, what if everyone has worked it out. I have to think of a way out of this.

"I know, this outfit is a lot for you to handle darling. Maybe next time just try not to look at my tits when we're talking. And you're jealous my body? Wait, are you...?"

"No. I'm not gay I'm just jealous of- "

"Tell me over here" I quickly interrupt whilst pulling him across the field. We stand by a tree, away from our friends. "What are you doing you moron? You're going to tell people what happened you silly twat."

"We're meant to be together" Malfoy blurts out in a drunk tone.

I sigh "Listen Malfoy. No. We're not. We tried it last year and we've seen that it doesn't work between us. I mean I started off hating you and I left hating you even more. What if we try again? Do I start off hating you a lot, to killing you? It's just ridiculous if I gave you another chance."

"Stop it! You know you love me."

"Did you not just hear anything I just said? I said I hate you. The opposite of love."

"You're lying."

"Malfoy- "

"You are. You can't just fall and then climb back up."

"I didn't fall in the first place. You're just so obsessed with yourself that you think I did."

"Oh yeah. Well, how come you said my first name then?"

There's a moment of silence. He's right. "I just said your first name. Big deal" I sarcastically lie and walk off. Yeah, okay he's sort of right, but I don't want that to be the case. We're not meant to be together. End of. 

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