Chapter 10- My Decision

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Its 1996 now! How exciting! It's the end of the break and I've actually had a good time with my mom and grandparents. I've also had a lot of time to think about Malfoy and I think I've made the right decision. I put a few more things into my suitcase which is laying on the bed in the flat.

"Jessa?" My mom asks from the doorway behind me, making me jump.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Whilst you've been at Hogwarts, have you experienced any romance?"

Yes, Draco why?... That's what I'd say if I didn't remember when she said to not go for Slytherins.

"Well, yeah, Cedric. You know that mom" I reply.

"Oh yes I forgot about that. But was that a real relationship or was that just for attention?"

To be honest, she's right. I did just date him for attention. "What are you trying to say?"

"You're sixteen now Jessa and from a mother to her daughter, I give you the responsibility to maybe try and get a boyfriend there... that isn't just for attention."

"But what about my exams?"

"Jessa, you're one of the highest achieving students there. You can practically date about three boys and still get high grades... I'm not saying to do that."

I chuckle "Thanks mom."

She smiles and adjusts my school uniform collar "You're a very pretty girl in her teenage years. It would be a shame to just throw that all away. Obviously keep your grades up, but at the same time enjoy your teenage years while it lasts."

"Okay mom. I'll do that then."

"That's my girl, now let's get going otherwise we'll be late" my mom says, and I finish packing my bag. "Jessa" My Mom says. 

"Yes Mom" I reply.

"Just remember, don't go for Slytherins."

"Why not?"

"They're bad news."

I frown and we get in the car and travel to the train station in London. I wave goodbye and get on the train. I meet up with all my friends and it's so nice to see them again after the Christmas break. We share loads of stories about Christmas and it's so nice to hear how much fun everyone has been having. It warms my heart so much. When we get to Hogwarts, we have dinner and then head to bed.

I keep thinking about what my mom said for the next two weeks, and I've been trying to talk to Malfoy, but we haven't had any moments alone. I've smiled at him a few times at him, but we haven't had a chance to talk. In muggle studies last period on Friday, Malfoy is walking past me, and he leans in to whisper "Meet me at the lake, I'll be waiting."

I get butterflies and I nod whilst I walk out of the room. He walks away and I take a few breaths. Why am I so nervous for this? I feel a little bit sick. It's time to tell him the truth, isn't it? I slowly walk to the lake where he told me to meet him and he's stood there taking off his shirt. I get up to him.

"Wow, I was not expecting to have sex when I got down here" I joke, and he smiles at me and then pulls his trousers down. "Woah, what are you doing?"

"I want to swim" he stubbornly responds.

"What? In this weather? You must be mad."

"I am" We share a moment of silence as he stands there in his boxers "You coming?"


"Or are you going to make me look like an idiot?"

"Fine" I sigh and take of my cloak and jumper.

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