Chapter 3- My Sixteenth Birthday

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OMG IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! I'M FINALLY 16! I'M LEGAL. Not that I'm going to do anything but it's just a nice thought. Hermione and I open presents from everyone before school starts. How cute. The gifts they got were so nice. I love them. First period is DADA and it's so nice without Professor Lengel. We have Snape as our new Professor. We learn a few new things, but we already know most things, well I do anyway. Considering I only came in third year, I've learnt quite a lot. Malfoy and I share a look and I feel myself falling into his beautiful crystal eyes. A smirk is formed on his face and I finally clock onto the fact he is trying to hypnotise me to fancy him. Well it's not going to work.

After class I feel a taller presence behind me, and I feel warm. I look up to see Malfoy looking down on me.

"Happy Birthday Carter" he mummers in a deep sexy tone. Wait no. Not sexy. Well a bit sexy. Ugh. I don't even thank him though and he raises his eyebrows up and down as he leaves my eyesight. What's he trying to do? I hate him. There's no way he can change my mind.

The school day goes fast and after astronomy, Hermione and I get taken by the twins to the docks and there's a small boat parked up.

"Surprise!" All my friends shout at me and Hermione.

I scream with excitement and I give everyone a hug and tell everyone how thankful and grateful I am. Hermione does the same and we all get on board the boat. Fred and George take the wheel as they are the oldest. We go full speed on the waves, bouncing up and down as we all sit around. All of us lean over the edge and point out fish that we spot. Fred and George start popping jokes whilst the speed up and water splashes into our face. We share a laughter and Ron and Ginny scoop water up and throw it at their brothers. This is so funny.

Later that day, the twins put a spell on the boat, so it moves by itself and we start telling embarrassing stories as we eat some food. Some of the stories are so funny, my stomach is in pain from laughing so hard. I've never laughed this much in my life. We start making jokes about people at the school. Seamus makes a joke about Malfoy and suddenly I get a random outburst of built up anger.

"Ew Draco Malfoy is such a piece of shit, like seriously. Ugh, he's surrounded by so many death eaters, I wish he were the chosen one so they could kill him instead. I'm sure everyone prefer that ending. I'd happily watch that. I'd even bring popcorn. The pleasure that would bring me is actually alarming" I vent, and everyone starts laughing.

"Jesus Jessa. You really hate that guy, don't you?" Neville laughs.

"Yes. More than anyone. He thinks he's so much better than everyone but he's just a btec version of us. It's embarrassing when he think's he is hard, like no honey. We're not scared of you, no one is."

Everyone nods.

"Is there like a proper reason you guys hate each other? I mean we've seen you guys fight and all but why?" Harry questions.

I gulp and think of a way to say this without exposing the fact we had something "Well, we just clash. He just thinks too high of himself. It's annoying, and the fact we had to do tuition together made it so much worse. He just controlled me like I'm his puppet... in tutoring by the way."

They nod slowly trying to work out what I'm trying to say.

"I get you Jessa" Dean breaks everyone's train of thought. "He is a horrible and unthoughtful prick who just picks on all of us for no reason. He's nothing special so he needs to stop trying."

I smile.

"Yeah I agree. He has picked on all of us since first year" Hemione joins in.

"Mmmhmm. Why does he do it?" Ron questions and all of us are in silence for a second as we comprehend the query.

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