Chapter 14- Draco Can Be Quite Smart

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It's the beginning of May and people in Gryffindor are getting bitten left, right and centre. Everyone's wrapping their ties round their arms like I did. It's like a fashion trend now. Ron is so sleep deprived and is failing all of his classes. Hermione and I are so worried for him. Harry is surprisingly quite chilled about the whole situation. Honestly, I don't know what's going on in that boys head. I guess he's just happy with Ginny. They're such a cute couple.

A week passes by fast and I'm chilling in Draco's dorm as all the Slytherin's are studying in the library. It's nice to be around Draco, even if we're just chilling. We are both lying against the headboard and he has his arm around me, so I am snuggling into his chest. He is reading a book about potions as we literally have our O.W.L's next month.

"I'm so stressed at the moment" I say.

"Me too. That's why I'm revising. You should be revising too."

"No, I'm not talking about the O.W.L's. Everyone's getting bitten and Ron can't sleep because of it"

"Oh well. Why does that matter to you?"

"Because they're my friends."

He snorts "Friends. That's what they want you to believe but they'll leave you one day. Just like Mikey. They come and they go. There's nothing you can do about it."

I sit up "What? They're not going to leave me."

"That's what you thought about Mikey but look what happened there."

"Stop bringing up Mikey. He was fake, I know these friends aren't."

"Just be selfish because that's what I do and that's why I have no worries."

"And why you have no friends."

"That's not true."

"Oh really? Well what a load of bollocks. Can't you just be supportive of my friends for once? They've done nothing to you."

"So, I don't have to like them."

"You could at least be civil."

"No thanks."

"I'm leaving. I can't be arsed with your shit."

As I'm walking towards the door, I see the knob twist. I panic so I slide under Draco's bed. I see feet step into the room.

"What are you doing Malfoy? Aren't you coming to the library?" Goyle asks.

"Y-yeah. I'll be down in a second. Let me just get my things."

"Okay. I'll meet you at the library."

He really slowly walks out, it's like he knows I'm here so he's purposely taking his time. Finally, he slams the door and I crawl out from under the bed. Suddenly, the door swings open again so I slide back under.

"By the way, Snape said to bring the potions book" he says.

"I literally have it in my hand. I'll meet you down there" Draco responds in an aggressive tone.

Goyle nods and leaves. I get up and stare at Draco. We hold eye contact as I wait for a minute before walking out.

It's now the end of May and Draco went home for the weekend, which is weird as he has never done that before. But in Muggle Studies on Friday he taps me on the shoulder. I give him a stern look and he mouths "Wait for me after lesson". For some reason I understand what he says, and I do so. When we get into the hallway, he whispers "Follow me, I have something to show you."

I sigh and I follow him to the classroom where we used to do tutoring together. It feels darker in here than it did when we used to come, and it also seems dustier. I guess no one ever comes in here. We take a seat on a desk and he opens his satchel and pulls out a book with no cover.

"What's this?" I ask in amusement.

"So, I went home on the weekend to find out how to get rid of these stupid bugs and I saw this on the dinner table, so I slid it into my satchel" he tells me.

"Wait really? You did that for me?"

"Who said I did it for you? I'm doing this so I don't hear any more complaining about these creatures."

"So, is there a way you can get rid of them?"

"Yes, but it requires us to make a potion that will gas the area."

"Okay, can we do that?"

"Yes, but it'll take about two weeks."

"Two weeks?"

"Mhm, we need to get supplies and then do this thing, but we can't let anyone know I'm behind this. You'll take full credit for this."

"But how will I have found the book?"

"Ummm, maybe I took the book for revision and you stole it from my bag... in the library!"


"Right, tomorrow I'll head into Hogsmeade to get the supplies. I have the money to do so and then meet me here after dinner and we'll make a start."

"Sounds like a plan."

I think it's so sweet that he's trying to help. I know he can be a knob but sometimes he can be the cutest person ever. You just never know which Draco you're going to get.

The next day after dinner, I rush to the classroom to see Draco already mixing a few ingredients together. He looks so cute when he's actually focussed on something. I help a little bit with a few things, but he likes to take control.

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