Side Chapter

692 16 25

I apologize for not updating.

I have been facing major writers block towards this specific chapter so I will just like....

Thanks for being patient so enjoy this little thing :)

Kou opened his door and sighed with exhaustion. "I'm home..!" He managed to say.

He undid his tie and threw it somewhere as he walked to the living room to relax on the couch. Kou closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep before feeling a sudden weight on his chest.

"I missed you!" A pink haired boy said with a smile.

Kou coughed and sat up quickly. "Oh.. good evening, teddy bear."

Mitsuba crossed his arms and pouted. "I told you not to call me that, lame ass traffic earring."

Kou and Mitsuba laughed at the nicknames they made for each other many years ago. The laughter died down quickly and Kou sighed.

"Do you know how much I love you, Sousuke?" Kou asked him with a soft smile. He placed his hand on Mitsuba's cheek and chuckled when Mitsuba leaned into the touch.

"No, I don't. How much do you love me?" Mitsuba asked. He smiled and leaned closer to Kou's face. "How much do you love me, Kou?"

Kou leans closer to Mitsuba so their foreheads bump. "Oh, darling. There is no possible way for me to explain, with words, how much I adore you."

"Then show me with your body." Mitsuba said seductively. He leaned in to kiss Kou but was stopped.

"Nah. I'm too tired to get naked." Kou said and plopped back onto the couch. Kou closed his eyes and began to feel his brain shut down for the night.

Mitsuba whined but let himself flop onto Kou's chest. "Goodnight I guess." He said with a tired and dissatisfied sigh.

Kou laughed quietly and ran his fingers through Mitsuba's hair. "I'll spend all day with you tomorrow, don't worry."

Mitsuba chuckled and lifted his head to kiss Kou's chin. "Alright. I guess that'll do... for now."

And with that last sentence, they fell asleep through the night. But what they do the next morning is all up to your imagination...


Yes, my dear readers, this was short but I have been suffering from writer's block.

Also one last thing and I need you to answer me, please.

After their happy ending, Kou will be healed of what his brother did to him. But you know how adults can get...freaky in the sheets.

Nsfw or no nsfw between Kou and Mitsuba?

Answer either Y (yes) or N (no)

It's all up to you guys.


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