「Chapter 8」

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Mitsuba ran out of the classroom leaving the class confused. Tsukasa and Yashiro quickly followed behind him.

Mitsuba turned corners and ran up flights of stairs as fast as he could. Soon enough he came across the closed off school wing. He glanced down. It was unlocked. Just then, Tsukasa and Yashiro rounded the corner to meet with Mitsuba.

"Hey Mitsuba," Tsukasa spoke out of breath, "Slow down will ya?"

Mitsuba shot him a glare. Slow down? He found a promising lead to where Kou, the only person he felt love for, was. He snuck through the door and dashed down the hallway before stopping to ask Yashiro a question.

"Where was that room?"

"Um..." Yashiro though for a second, "This way!" She pointed to a room at the corner of the hallway.

With no other words said, Mitsuba sprinted to the door and opened it quickly. He stared in shock and nearly cried.


Kou was sitting on the bed and stared at the boarded windows. He thought, maybe, it'd be best for him to sneak out. So he tried. Unfortunately the moment he opened the door he met with a familiar face. It was Amane.

"Well, well. Tell me you're not sneaking out on me. You know I love you, right? I won't let you leave." Amane grabbed Kou's thin wrists and threw him onto the bed. "I'm tired of waiting, Kou. I want you."

Kou cried. He felt so weak. He didn't have the strength to struggle or to get out of Amane's grasp. "Please no! I told you no!"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You've said no so many times. Just let me have fun this time, alright?" Amane forcefully turned Kou's head to kiss him.

In retaliation, Kou but his tongue.

"You bitch..." Amane stared at the blood that fell onto his hand. He threw a glare at Kou before raising his hand against the boy.

Just then, the door opened. Amane stopped his hand and stared at the door. "Ha!" He chuckled nervously.

"You..! How could you?!!" Mitsuba launched himself at Amane as fast as he could.

Amane reacted quickly and blocked the punch thrown by Mitsuba. Mitsuba countered by kicking the back of Amane's knees, and Amane fell to the ground. There, Mitsuba sat on the older boy and threw repeated punches into Amane's face.

Kou watched silently as the world went quiet around him.


His world was always surrounded with violence. Why... why couldn't he just live peacefully?

Tsukasa and Yashiro stood around the short blonde haired boy constantly asking if he was okay and if he was listening to him.

"Stop," he muttered, barely able to be heard. "Stop!" Kou shouted and grabbed the arm that continuously pounded into their upperclassman's face. "Please no more, Mitsuba. I'm sure he learned his lesson."

Mitsuba snapped out of his trance. He was so shrouded in anger he didn't even think of Kou being behind him. Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at the blonde haired boy. Slowly, he stood up, taking Kou with him. Mitsuba pulled Kou into a strong, long hug. "Oh Kou... my dear Kou..." He mumbled into the shorter boy's shoulder.

Kou wrapped his arms around Mitsuba and held on like his life depended on it. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run away that day! I was just so upset that I... I," Kou couldn't finish his sentence. He sobbed into Mitsuba's arms and clutched to his shirt.

Amane groaned and tried to sit up, "Hey what the hell is all this-"

Mitsuba kicked him back to the ground and glared. "Let's get out of here and get you some help, Kou."

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