-~Chapter 6~-

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A/N: This chapter contains content that some readers may not be comfortable with.

View at your own risk :)


Kou and Mitsuba had arrived near a bridge that went over a small creek. "Oh wow. It's so beautiful." Kou said in astonishment. Mitsuba nodded and smiled while leaning over the bridge. "Wait don't do that! You could fall." Kou says and rushes over to him. Mitsuba laughs at him pats Kou's shoulder, "I'll be fine. The drop is barely 1 meter." Kou sighs and shakes his head. "Sousuke there are rocks down there. You could hit your head incorrectly and die." Mitsuba was a little suprised by Kou's concern but come on.. it was Kou we were talking about. "Not like anyone would care.." Mitsuba mumbles very quietly. Kou looks at him with a confused face, as if to say 'What was that you said?' But Mitsuba shook his head to dismiss it.

Off they went on a little adventure many people in this current generation would call a 'date'. But as it was their timeline, in which was the days that homosexuals are not even allowed. If you showed any type of interest in a person of the same gender... let's just say good luck in your next life. Maybe things will be better then.

After their outdoor experience in a nearby wooded area, they arrived at Mitsuba's house. But Mitsuba stopped him in his tracks. "My house is a little empty. Is that okay?" Kou nodded and grabbed Mitsuba's hand, "It's alright." They walked in and sat on the little area where Mitsuba slept after taking their shoes off.

"Hey, Sousuke? Why do you flinch everytime I grab your arm?" Mitsuba uses his hands to pull his sleeves down quickly, "I haven't a clue what you're talking about. Sorry." Kou's eyes widen, "Oh Sousuke.. I didn't realize. I must have gripped you till hard. Let me check to make sure there isn't a mark." He started moving closer to Mitsuba as Mitsuba moved further.

"Stop moving away from me Sousuke. Let me see." Mitsuba's back hit the wall as he realized he had no where to go. He panicked and kicked Kou in the stomach harshly, "Uurk-" Kou coughed and tumbled onto the wooden floor. Mitsuba crawled over to check if he was okay, "K-Kou I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean.. are you okay?" He panicked before Kou pinned him to the ground, holding Mitsuba's arms in his hands. Mitsuba flinched at the pain, but he didn't mind it. The pain made him feel better. "I'm a samurai in training, Sousuke. I won't be hurt by that. All you did was push me back." Mitsuba nodded, "Stop bragging Kou... so rude." He said playfully.

Kou took Mitsuba off guard and rolled his left sleeve up. "....Sousuke...." he uttered softly as Mitsuba sat up from under him. "I-I'm sorry... I- there's no one here to stop it. It relieves pain... It's okay." Kou leaned his head down and pressed soft kisses on the cuts, bruises, and scars. "It is not okay. Stop apologizing. I'm here. Whether it's as a friend, best friend, boyfriend or husband... I'm here. And I will never leave." He said and rolled up Mitsuba's right sleeve to see the same sight.

It saddened him quite a bit to see the love of his life going through this. "You must be disappointed in me. Everyone is at some point in life. It just happens and I'll deal with it.... one day at a time." Mitsuba sighed and pulled his arm from Kou. Kou shakes his head and placed his hands on the sides of Mitsuba's face. "I will never be disappointed in someone as lovely as you."

Mitsuba started to cry.

Was it because of the affection he was getting?

Was it because he was just sad?

Was it because of past trauma?

Or was it simply because he held it in too long?

Either way, he felt safe with Kou and he knew that Kou had meant what he said. It made him happy and for once in his whole life... Mitsuba had a reason to truly smile.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is kinda sad and short.

I tried to write but I lost inspiration lol.

I don't wanna be that one bich but... don't forget to vote and comment. I love seeing what you guys have to say about the story so far.

Have a nice day/night wherever you are. Love u <3

Stay safe ~

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