「Start of Vol. 2. Chapter 1」

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I told you I wouldn't end it like that. I like happy endings :)
But that doesn't mean the angst will stop lolz

Mitsuba sat up quickly. His breath hitching as tears fell down his face and beads of sweat drenched the teenaged boy. "Wh.. what the fuck was that..?!" He said breathlessly.

He couldn't remember what the boy's name was, or what his face looked like. But Mitsuba knew one thing and one thing only, "This feels too real to be a dream..." he said quietly, catching his breath.

Brrring brrring!! The sound of an alarm blared through a cold, black screen and his eyes widen immensely. "I'm going to be late for school. Shit shit shit shit!!" He mumbled and scrambled to put on his school uniform, grab his bag, and run out the door.

Once he entered the building, he stayed as quiet as possible but was stopped by an annoying hall monitor, "Mitsuba Sousuke! This is the third time this week. Principal's Office. Now." Mitsuba groaned and walked to the office as he heard the hall monitor go on and on about how he should be on time to school, and how he shouldn't give attitude to a 3rd year while Mitsuba was a 2nd year.

Mitsuba saw a smaller boy in the principal's office. This boy looked very cute and Mitsuba's heart hurt with joy just from looking at him. The boy had yellow-blonde hair and round glasses that complimented his bright blue eyes. The boy had wet clothing that stuck to him, further defining his small body type.

"Minamoto I called home but no one answered. I called your older brother and he is bringing a spare uniform." The small boy looked at the receptionist with wide eyes, "M..My brother?" He asked in an almost fearful tone. The receptionist nodded, "Yes, is there a problem?" The boy just drew his head down and shook his head, letting out a small 'no'.

"Hm.. so his name is Minamoto.." Mitsuba took note. He also took note on how uncomfortable Minamoto seemed to be when he heard his brother was coming.

"Mitsuba Sousuke!" A loud female voice came from an open door. A woman walked out with a small stack of papers. "You just came back from a 2 week suspension and now you've been late to school for 3 days since Monday!" The loud voice seemed to scare both Minamoto and Mitsuba.

Mitsuba put on a nervous smile and scratched the back of his head, "Hehe.. sorry. I've been waking up with headaches recently so it takes a little longer to wake up..." the woman smacked the top of the tall teenager's head with the papers multiple times.

"Oh what am I going to do with you.." the woman said with an exhausted tone of voice. "Hmm... maybe call my parents! They'd love to hear about me!" The short woman hit Mitsuba's head harder. "Ouch! That one actually hurt!"

The woman sighed and handed the papers to the receptionist who sat behind a small desk. "Sousuke, dear. You know your parents and I were close. It may have been last year but it is still recent." Mitsuba clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "Can you just.. not lecture me on this topic?"

The woman nodded and walked into her office to fill out yet another late pass.

An older man, about 20, walked in with a small school uniform. He looked around the room before smiling, "Kou! There you are! I heard you fell into a puddle on your way here. Should I start driving you here?"

The small boy shook his head, "I'm fine walking to school." His voice seemed quiet and submissive, almost as if he was scared to talk to the similar looking man.

"Come on. Let's get you changed." The man slid his hand around Kou's waist and pulled him close. No one seemed to notice except for Mitsuba. Mitsuba thought this was really odd and looked at the older man with a weird face.

Mitsuba was handed a late pass and was sent off to class. However... poor little Kou didn't have the same fate.

A/N: um... I have to put a trigger warning here for s*xual a*use. If you aren't comfortable, please don't read the bolded paragraphs ahaha...

"Take off your clothes." His older brother demanded. "Teru please not right now.. I'm at school..." Kou said and got slammed to the back of a bathroom stall. "You do what I tell you to, when I tell you to do it." Teru's hand squeezed Kou's small waist harshly and the other hand was on Kou's face, squeezing hard as well.

Kou started crying, "T-Teru pl...please.. it hu..rts.." Teru took his hand off of Kou's face and slid it down to his thigh, making Kou shiver.

Teru slid off the wet clothing Kou had on and started kissing down his neck. "You taste so sweet little brother." Kou's tears didn't stop as he mumbled, "Please... not while I'm at school.." Teru slapped the poor boy and brought his waist closer to the other.

"Now listen here you ugly whore. What I have down there, you're going to take care of it immediately. So get on your knees and start sucking me off." Teru said aggressively before pushing Kou down to the tent in his pants.

Kou undid the belt buckle that held the pants up, and slid the jeans down with ease. Kou opened his mouth to protest again but Teru shoved his hardened length to the back of the younger boy's throat.

While thrusting back and forth, Teru gripped Kou's hair tightly to the point where he was ripping some strands out. Kou cried and tried to push Teru away but this only made Teru thrust harder.

Teru threw Kou off of him and lifted him up, "I'm going to fuck you til you bleed, you nasty bitch." Kou shook his head as more tears fell, but Teru just smirked and started raping him further.

Kou walked into the classroom with a small, barely noticeable limp and clean hair. "Young man! Where were you?" Kou looked up at the instructor and mumbled quietly, "I'm s-sorry... I had to change my clothing.." the teacher slammed her hands on the desk and the class flinched, "Speak up, boy!"

A voice came from the other side of the room. "He said he was changing his clothing. I was in the office as well so I would know." Kou looked at the voice and it happened to be the same, pink haired person. The teacher scoffed and pointed at a desk at the back of the room, "Sit boy. Don't be late for class again. You too, Mitsuba!" The teacher yelled.

"Well he has a name too. Minamoto, was it?" Mitsuba said and looked at Kou. Kou nodded as he sat down and Mitsuba smiled, "Call him Minamoto, not 'Boy'. If I find out that you are disrespecting the kids in your classes again, I will have to tell the principal. And you know how close she and I are. I could get you fired for disrespect within 5 minutes. So if you want to keep your job I would suggest acting like an adult, not a 4 year old."

The teacher quieted down and the class snickered at the comment Mitsuba made. Kou felt happy that someone stood up for him.. maybe it was time to make friends?


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