-~Chapter 9~-

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Mitsuba walked around the garden he and Kou messed around with when they were high school kids. Mitsuba sighed and looked at his arm. "There's more." He swore he could hear Kou say.

Mitsuba covers his ears and falls to the ground, "No.. no. No!" Mitsuba laid there on the ground crying and mumbling little things to himself. "No..Kou is dea-" Mitsuba stopped. He couldn't bring himself to say it... to admit that Kou was gone forever.

Mitsuba got back up after recollecting himself and walked to Amane's house, where he was invited to stay after Kou's burial.

He walked in and was greeted with an excited child. "Daddy! Uncle Sousuke is here!" The child ran up to him and clung to his pants, "Uncle Sousuke! Uncle Sousuke! Give me up ups!!" The child giggled at Mitsuba wore a smile and lifted him up high.

"Alright, alright. That's enough Kouichi. Give your uncle Sousuke a little break okay? It's almost time for dinner." A sweet voice rang from the hallway.

Kouichi ran to his mother after Mitsuba put him down, "Mama! Mama! Uncle Sousuke is back!" The woman laughed and picked up the child, walking to the dining area.

"You were at the garden again, weren't you?" Amane asked. Mitsuba nodded, smiling to himself, "Lots of emotions I wanted to feel. Even if it was a little bit of those emotions." Amane sighed and patted Mitsuba's head, "Come on. Let's eat." Mitsuba shook his head.

"I'm not super hungry."

Amane looked surprised but just nodded in response, walking away. "Tell daikon-senpai I said goodnight, okay?" Amane nodded, "I'll tell her that." Mitsuba nodded and silently left.

As he left. He wrote a letter in his head. A letter for Kou.

Into the dark he walked. Dragging his feet on and on. His feet felt heavy and he wanted them no more. If anything... he didn't want himself anymore. Kou made him a whole while Mitsuba, by himself, was nothing. Just something existing to die. Kou gave him a purpose but now that purpose is gone... forever.

"Oh?" Mitsuba said quietly and walked somewhere that looked interesting. He walked closer and he thought, "perfect"

Mitsuba went back to Amane's house and snuck in, "And where were you?" A stern voice asked in the dark house. Mitsuba jumped in fright, "Oh nowhere..." He sighed and walked past Amane.

Amane sighed knowing it was a lie but he was tired and wanted to sleep. "It is supposed to rain tomorrow. Stay inside or else you might fall ill." Amane called out.

Mitsuba took most of the night to write his letter down, "A letter for Kou. Seems perfect." He said and set his writing utensil down, then laying on his bed to sleep.

The next morning, Mitsuba sat up and looked to his side. Oh how much he missed Kou. Oh how much he wanted to be at Kou's side.

"Mitsuba!" A voice interrupted his thoughts. Mitsuba snapped his head up to someone looking at him through an open door. "Do you want to go to a park before it rains?"

Mitsuba thought this was perfect. Perfect time. Perfect day. For once in his life, everything was.... perfect, "Sure!" He said with a smile.


They had walked in a direction that felt familiar to the pink haired young adult. Sousuke had worn a smile while thinking of why it felt familiar, of why he thought of Kou.

"Uncle Sousukeeee! Carry me!!" Kouichi cried out and held his hands up high. Mitsuba lifted him and spun in circles, making the young child giggle. Another child had sat in the mother's arms trying to sleep. The kid started to stir and the mother was attempting to calm her down. "Shh.. it's alright Azuka.." the mother hushed the child back to sleep and looked at the boy, "Kouichi, hush. Your little sister it trying to sleep. Now, you better eat before it starts to rain. Understand?" The little boy was released from Sousuke's hold and ran to the food basket.

As Mitsuba sat down to eat his last meal, he heard a voice. A voice that was filled with exhaustion and airy. "S...Sorry I'm late...!" The male voice has said in between gasps as he stopped by the mat everyone was sitting on.

"Good afternoon, Tsukasa. What were you busy with?" Amane asked, eating some cooked fish. "Oh nothing. Just running some errands." Amane nodded and used his chopsticks to point to an empty spot next to him, "Sit. We have little time."

They ate and eventually finished their food. "I'll be... leaving to someplace near here." Sousuke had said and stood up before walking off quickly. Tsukasa and Amane shared a knowing look at quietly followed him. With Nene having the motherly instinct she had, she also followed the boys leaving the kids at the picnic spot.

Soon it had started to rain heavily. It was pouring cats and dogs so much that a small misplacing of your foot could result in you falling to the ground.

"Ugh finally..." Mitsuba had mumbled, inaudible against the loud storm. "Sousuke!" A voice shouted. Mitsuba's head had flicked into the direction of the voice and saw Tsukasa, Amane, and Nene. "Sousuke walk away! There's a cliff there!" The three ran closer but kept distance to the boy who was standing on top of the edge.

"So what if there is a cliff? Without Kou here... I'm... I'm nothing!" Mitsuba shouted at the trio. "What's so special about him? All you guys ever did was be around each other! There is nothing special about-"

"I love him!" Mitsuba interrupted. "I love him so much and I want him back. I miss him so much.." he started to cry and drew his head down.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You can't love a man! You need a doctor Mitsuba. Come here." Amane had said and walked closer.

"No! Get away! I won't ever be discriminated ever again! I'm done! I'm finished with this shit life! I want it to be done with now!" Mitsuba had shouted, letting hot tears fall and his lungs screaming.

As if it was in slow motion... Mitsuba fell backwards, to the bottom of the cliff that awaited with spark rocks and water. While falling a thought had came to Mitsuba's mind, "do I regret this...? No.. I need Kou. I'll be with Kou. I'll see you soon..."

His heart beating faster and faster as he was afraid to look down to his near future. After inhaling his last breath he saw a sight that shocked him. Tsukasa and Amane had fallen off the edge as well. Apparently, Tsukasa had went to go catch Mitsuba but he slipped. Amane had tried to catch Tsukasa but he was just pulled off the edge.

After having a shock of pain and a sudden stop, Mitsuba's eyes widen. "Kou must have felt like this... Kou..." Mitsuba's eyes had closed and he started losing his 5 senses. But the last thing he heard was the impaling of the twin brothers who had toppled each other on the same rock.

The splattering and screams of pain as blood flew everywhere. Of course Mitsuba wouldn't know because he couldn't feel nor see anymore but he knew it was there. He could hear the last moments of his childhood friends as they perished the same way he did.

Finally Mitsuba had lost all of his senses and drifted to eternal sleep, where he could meet his loved one yet once more.

"I'll find you Kou..!" And Mitsuba stuck to that. He always will. And maybe in his future lives... he and Kou will have a happy ending.


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