「Chapter 6」

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Kou's eyes still dripped with warm tears as he was set down on a clean bed. "Now, now. You can stop crying, Minamoto. You'll be completely safe in my custody so don't worry. And if you ever decide to defy me, keep in mind I know what your brother does to you."

Kou's eyes went wide. Someone knows what Teru does? How could this be? "You... h,how did you know?!" Kou panicked. Would Amane do the same thing to him? He can't escape, can he?

"Well, I was simply walking by the bathroom after seeing you two go in. Then I heard your noises and your pleas for help. In all honesty, though, it was kinda hot and you made me hard." Amane lifted Kou's chin and drew his face close. "Just know that if you need anything," he ran a hand up Kou's back, "I'm here."

Kou stared at the boy who was leaving the room. Once he was alone and the door was shut, he could barely see his surroundings. He knew he was sitting on a recently bought bed, there was a blocked off window, and there was carpet in this room. Amane has kept the place clean just for him. Sweet, isn't it?

Kou reached to his back pocket and searched frantically for his phone. It was nowhere to be found. He sat in the dark corner and curled into a ball. There, he cried.


It has been a whole day since Mitsuba fought with Kou.

Mitsuba checked his phone in hopes of seeing a missed call or unread message from Kou. Nothing. He slammed his phone onto his bed sheets and curled his hands into his hair. If he admitted it, you'd hear him say he was stressed. They clicked from the moment they laid eyes on each other and now...

Mitsuba walked to school as normal, except this time, he really looked tired. His hair was messy, his shirt was buttoned lazily, and his eyebags stood out without the effort of makeup.

"Hey, you're getting too beat up over this Mitsuba. Friends fight." Yashiro comforted him and tapped his shoulder lightly.

Mitsuba just nodded and walked in to class with his friend.

He sat down and Yashiro took this chance to tidy him up. Her makeup bag sat on the table and her comb was already going through his hair. "I'm not fixing your shirt. Go to the bathroom and fix that yourself." She huffed at him. She may act like a brat, however, she still cared a lot.

Mitsuba nodded and set off to the bathroom. As he walked back, he passed the corner Amane and his "friends" loiter.

"Hey Amane! I heard you have a new bitch on your dick. Who is it this time? That blue haired girl from class 3? Oh! Perhaps it's her friend?" Some random guy spoke loudly.

Amane sighed. "I'm getting her friend later today. But that new one I have, I haven't touched him yet. I'd like to keep him in my grasps first."

The group made comments about Amane finally branching out and trying men. Mitsuba stayed quiet and listened in. It was too odd that as soon as Kou was no where to be found, Amane had someone new.

Eventually, the group dispersed and Mitsuba got no information. He ran into the bathroom, fixed his shirt, and made it back to class just in time for the bell.

"Why were you gone so long?" Yashiro whisper yelled at him.

"Uh.... I fell asleep on the toilet?" Mitsuba giggled quietly. Yashiro rolled her eyes at him.

Class is over and through and the trio, Tsukasa, Mitsuba, and Yashiro, start to leave the school.

"Hey there!" Amane appears from the 3rd year's hallway.

Mitsuba clicks his tongue and continues to walk away. Everything about Amane pissed him off.

Before Yashiro has the chance to leave, Amane grabs her wrist and pulls her close to him. "Say, you wouldn't mind spending a night with me, would you?"

Yashiro's face reddens rapidly. This was the exact thing she was wishing he would ask. She agrees almost immediately and Amane leads her down to the closed off wing at the school.


Kou couldn't cry anymore. Prior to the new school day, Amane had tied him up and forced him into a closet saying there was a surprise for him when he gets back. Kou didn't want a surprise; he wanted to go home.

Hours and hours pass as he gets more tired and hungry. When will Amane come back? At least he feeds Kou.

The door opens. Kou hears a familiar giggle. Yashiro! Yashiro was here! Was she here to save him? "Please... get me out. Help me please..." Kou thought.

The sounds of bedsheets fumbling creeps through the closet doors. Soon did other noises. Kou didn't like those noises.

He doesn't know how much time passed from when Yashiro and Amane were fucking but it soon stopped. He heard the door open then close again. Yashiro must've left.

The closet doors open. Kou looks up with a tired look on his face.

"Did you like your present? I brought her here for you. Did the moans of your friend turn you on?" Amane smiled and dragged Kou out of the closet, then threw him on the bed.

Kou found his tears again, so he cried.

Amane took off his bindings and gag. "If you want to speak and say how you love me so, go ahead, I'm waiting."

Kou screamed at him, "Let me go! I want to go home! Please..." He cried and cried.

Amane frowned. "Oh Kou. Don't you remember what happened last time you screamed at me? I'm doing what's best for you, since I love you."

Kou shook his head. "Please no, not again. I'm sorry. Please don't do it again." Last time Kou mildly raised his voice, he was assaulted just how he always was.

Amane laughed at Kou. "It's fine. I bet you liked it anyways."

He never liked it


Hello. I was gone for a while. Whoops...
Anywho, enjoy the next chapters I'll pull out of my plump ass crack as I find time this weekend.

Also! I did a couple essays in school recently. Lmk if they should just be fillar for when I can't think of anything to post.

Love yall. Stay hydrated and eat three times a day <3

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