-~Chapter 5~-

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Mitsuba sat in his empty house and pulled his knees up to his chest. "Kou... likes me?" He mumbled and pressed his fingers to his mouth. "His lips are soft..." Mitsuba widened his eyes and blushed. "I can't change the fact that I like him. Just hold on for me Kou." Mitsuba stood up and walked out of his door barefoot. He didn't get to say something that day so he at least wanted to say goodbye.

A few moments passed when he heard footsteps from behind him. He turned to see Amane and Tsukasa running towards him,

"W-Wait! Slow down!!" Is what Mitsuba barely managed to say before getting bombarded with questions.

"Did you know Kou and Teru are leaving? Have you said goodbye? Has he said goodbye?"

Mitsuba looked overwhelmed so Amane closed Tsukasa's mouth. "I- I... no I haven't said goodbye yet..."

Tsukasa grabs Mitsuba's arm and he flinches at the strength Tsukasa has. "Let's go then! They're still packing up!!" Mitsuba stutters,

"B-But my shoes-"

"No time for that!" And he gets dragged off by the naïve boy.

Tsukasa walked into the opened door and saw Kou and Teru talking with their mother. Mitsuba was hesitant to come inside because of his dirty feet and Miss Minamoto noticed this.

"Kou it seems that your friend has been dragged here against his will. Please show him to the wash room so he can wash his feet."

Kou looked at Mitsuba and blushed, remembering what he had done that last evening. He nodded, obeying his mother's words, and left with Mitsuba quietly.

Inside of the wash room Mitsuba was welcomed in and sat on a chair in front of an empty bucket.

"Wait here I'll fill the bucket." Kou said and walked off.

"Is he mad at me? Did I do something?" Mitsuba wondered. This made those thoughts come back.

"Go die!"
"You're worthless!"
"No one will ever love you..."

He buried his face into the palms of his hands and kept in more tears.

"Sorry for the wait. It's a bit heavy." Kou stated, finally walking back in.

Mitsuba looks at him and sees Kou set the bucket down. He sighs and doesn't look up from his seat. "I'm sorry Kou..." he mumbles.

Kou looks up at Mitsuba with a confused look, "Sorry? Sorry for what." He was acting as if nothing had happened the day before.

"I... aren't you mad at me or something? Is it because of... y-yesterday?" His breath slightly hitched.

With that last question Kou blushes and shakes his head. "No, I'm just a little embarrassed. Don't worry about it. I understand if you don't want to return my feelings-"

Kou felt a soft, familiar, peice of something on his lips. Mitsuba was kissing him. They sunk into the kiss as Kou fell to the ground with the weight of Mitsuba on him. He was straddled by Mitsuba and Mitsuba began to push his tongue against Kou's lips. Kou let Mitsuba access the inside of his mouth as he entered Mitsuba's. Kou grabbed Mitsuba's waist to pull him closer, "Kou..." Mitsuba uttered silently and pulled away.

"Ah-! I... I'm sorry." Mitsuba exclaimed and turned his head away from Kou's.

Kou laughs and turns Mitsuba's face back in his direction, "It's okay. You're a good kisser." He says with a wink, making Mitsuba blush and giggle lightly.

Mitsuba had rested his head on Kou's shoulder and started to cry.

"Sousuke! What's wrong!?" Kou said with a worried look.

"It's just... I love you so much. You're so nice to me and you have no reason to be either! But you've seen what they do to people like us. We're monsters, Kou."

Kou's shirt got wetter and wetter with every weep that Mitsuba made. "Sosuke..." that was all he could say. Just Mitsuba's name. They stayed like that for a little bit before Kou kissed Mitsuba's cheek. "I'm sorry I am leaving so soon, Sousuke. I wish we could stay together forever."

Mitsuba clenched Kou's shirt and shook his head. "It's alright. Will you ever come visit?"

Kou nodded his head. "Of course."

And in came Teru, "Hey what's taking so long-? Oohh~ pardon my intrusion.." he said with a smirk and walked out.

Mitsuba stared wide eyed and blinked a few times, "I-... he... he saw us... K-Kou is he going to.. tell?" He says in a jumbled way of speaking.

Kou laughs at Mitsuba's reaction and brushed a peice of Mitsuba's hair behind his ear. "It's fine, Darling. He was the one who told me to kiss you anyway."

Mitsuba relaxed for a second then sat up in shock, "D-d-darling?!"

Kou nodded his head, "Yes. Darling." He winked again and Mitsuba fell into the crook of his neck, completely flustered.

"Okay..." he said oh so softly.

"Anyway, we better get your feet clean so I can go pack." A sudden wave of sadness fell over Mitsuba as he remembered that Kou was leaving... that day. "Okay" was all he could say.

Mitsuba walked into Kou's house with slippers he was given. He helped Kou pack and tried his best to hide his sadness.

Although he did do a pretty good job, being the mother she is, Miss Minamoto said the following words, "Kou we can stay another day if you'd like."

Kou's eyes lit up and so did Teru's. "Really? Of course!" Kou shouted with delight.

"Well if that's so you might want to hurry on with the packing." Teru's mother chuckled.

They finished quickly and headed out. Teru talked to Amane and Tsukasa and managed to keep them from Mitsuba and Kou. Which worked out well considering what was soon about to happen between the two teenagers. Floods of sadness followed by heaps of reassurance. But the only real question here is...

How long will they be truly happy?


Yes I listened to Mr. Loverman and got inspired to write. I love this song


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