-~Chapter 8~-

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The breastplate dropped to the floor and so did some dark red liquid. The tears from Kou and Mitsuba only fell harder as Kou slumped to the ground. He finally grew weak in his knees and his head fell onto Mitsuba's lap.

"Kou.. wh.. what happened?" Mitsuba shakely said, placing his hands onto Kou's cheek. Kou smiled, closed his eyes, and leaned into Mitsuba's touch.

"Sousuke... that new country... they're different. They have no swords. They have no knives or spears. They have little mobile cannons and they hit me right here." Kou placed his hand by the hole in his stomach. "I was told it had hit a major artery so I had not much longer to... to live." Kou chuckled then groaned in pain, no longer holding back the pain he felt.

"Why did they let you leave like this... injured!?" Mitsuba asked with sadness and anger. Kou smiled at Mitsuba, tying to let some of his pain ease, "Sousuke. I was fine but my wound opened up. They said it would be fatal so they sent me home so I could say my goodbyes." He said and laughed before flinching in pain.

Mitsuba shook his head, "No... No, Kou.. don't laugh. I.. I can't live without you.." Mitsuba took his hand and caressed Kou's face, "Don't leave me, Kou."

"Sousuke.. I-" Kou coughs and spits blood onto the wooden floors. Mitsuba panicks for a second before feeling Kou's hand on his face, "I do not have much lon...ger."
Kou started crying more than before. "Sousuke.. you remember our song?"

Mitsuba's breath hitched and trembled as he held Kou in his arms. "C..come on. S-sing it one more t..time. For me?" Kou asked and wiped tears off of Mitsuba's face. Mitsuba nodded, cradling Kou's face, and smiled. "You were my sun...shine. My only s-sunshine. You made me-" Kou starts singing too, "-happy... wh-when times were g...gray." Quietly, as Kou drifted off to eternal sleep, they both sang, "You'll never know dear, how much I... love.. you..." Kou's eyes went glassy and his chest stopped moving. Mitsuba brings Kou's limp body up to his chest and he whispered, "Why.. did you take... my sun...shine... aw..ay."

Mitsuba wept as he looked into Kou's eyes, "Please Kou..." he pleaded quietly, "Don't... don't leave me alone.."

The door opened quickly as 2 similar looking people walked in with smiles, "We heard Kou came back!" They saw the horrid sight of the floor and Mitsuba covered in blood. Of the limp, lifeless body Mitsuba held. Their smiles faded into frowns and tears.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Amane muttered quietly and bowed at Mitsuba. Tsukasa ran out of the house, gagging and coughing. Mitsuba wiped his tears with his dirty sleeve and kept Kou close. "I-it's okay.." Mitsuba said and sighed shakely. Amane shook his head and walked over. "It's not okay. You witnessed a special person die today." Amane covered Kou with the jacket he had on and grabbed Mitsuba's arm.

"We have to go notify the undertakers that there is a dead soldier who needs attention immediately." Mitsuba struggled out of the grip and went back to Kou, "We.. we can't! We can't leave him alone! I want to stay!" He shouted as tears started to fall once again.

Amame sighed and nodded, "Fine, then. I'll go bring them here then. Tsukasa. Come." He said and walked out, leaving Mitsuba alone. "He got so mature, Kou." Mitsuba mumbled with a smile.

About 30 minutes later, Amane walks in with a man that wore a white coat. He had white and black spikey hair and he had glasses. He saw the sight and shook his head and bowed.

"May he rest in peace."

The body was taken care of and soon enough Mitsuba was left all alone in his dark bloody home.

He sank into the wall and cried for the thousandth time that hour. He took off his shirt and looked at his bare chest which was covered in scars. "He helped me so much. Why couldn't I return the favor..." He wept and laid there with a blank expression and warm tears falling down his cheeks.

"I'll find you Kou."

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