「Chapter 5」

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Kou stormed off down the empty hall and turned a corner, his eyes still dripping with salty tears. He peeked behind the corner to make sure Mitsuba wasn't following him. He wasn't. Kou sighed and fell to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest.

"Oh what do we have here?" A boy asked with a sly smirk.

Tsukasa? No... something was different about this boy. Was it the twin brother Tsukasa had? Kou glanced the boy's scarf. There's no way they're twins. This boy is a 3rd year, Tsukasa is  a 2nd year.

"Amane~ why are we wasting time on some pathetic 2nd year!?" Some girl whined and wrapped her arms around Amane's.

"He may be pathetic, however, he is cute," Amane said. He swiped his arm away from the girl and bent down to Kou's terrified face. Amane grabbed his face, similarly to how Teru would, and forced eye contact. "Hey, pretty boy. Don't cry too much, okay? You'll soil your good looks."

Kou was terrified. Only Teru would do this when he wanted something. "I..I'm sorry but I have to get to class." He said and scrambled to his feet.

"But the bell rung already! Why don't you come with me instead, hm?" Amane hummed in a questioning tone and got close to Kou's face.

"B..but-" he didn't get to finish and it didn't sound like he had a choice.

"But nothing, come with me." Amane pulled him along by clutching Kou's wrists together. He turned to the girl who was earlier attached to him. "You may leave."

"You're just dismissing me like that? To go with some pathetic ugly boy?!" The girl shouted. She had a large chest, round bottom, and skinny waist.

Kou could see why she was mad. Kou had no chest because he was a male, little to no ass, but he did have a skinny waist.

"It's whatever. I just fuck around with people who attract me. You're nothing. Just a whore with big tits and a nice ass. I've already fucked you once so I'll be fine if I throw you away." Amane dragged Kou away to a dirty, thick door with bolts and locks covering it. Amane glanced at Kou as he took out an old looking key. "Ah, don't worry, my dear. You'll be fine!"

They walk inside, well, Kou was dragged, and the surrounding area looked way too familiar. Kou noticed it was the closed off wing of the school that was shut down 30 years prior. "Why are we here?" The question must have slipped from Kou's mouth, he didn't notice he said it.

"You're going to be here for a while, Minamoto." Amane smiled and brought Kou's face close to his. "I've been watching over you lately. That tall pink haired kid is getting on my nerves, so I just decided to keep you where I want you." Amane closed the gap between their lips for a second, then drew away.

"If you stay put, I'll make sure to feed you well. I'll love you the way you should be loved. I'll give you anything you want. I'll do anything you want," his crazed voice made its way to Kou's ear, "I'll hurt people for you."

Finally realizing his situation, Kou cried. He was too shocked with the previous fight with Mitsuba to understand what was going on. Kou sobbed and fell weak in his legs.

Amane's face went soft. "Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you, so don't cry, okay?" He picked Kou up and walked down the dark, dirty hallway. "You'll love your new home. I promise."


The last bell rung and Mitsuba ran out of the classroom quickly, not even saying 'goodbye' to his friends. He frantically ran around the halls and ignored the adults that told him to slow down. Unfortunately, Kou was no where to be found and he was back at his starting point.

Mitsuba sat in the empty hallway and brought his knees to his chest and sighed.

"What's wrong, Sousuke?" A female asked and sat by him.

"I can't find him, Yashiro. He's.... gone.." Mitsuba lifted his head and looked at Nene. "What do I do?"

"Well, first of all, you've got to acknowledge the fact that you fucked up. Second, you need to ask around and see if anyone saw him after he left." Yashiro gave her advice. Although she didn't know Kou as well as Mitsuba did, she was still concerned.

Mitsuba nodded. "I shouldn't have pushed into his private life. It's private for a reason." He gritted his teeth and pushed his palms to his face in annoyance.

The two stood up and walked to the front of the school where Tsukasa awaited their arrival.

"Well it's about time you guys came out! I was about to walk home with my brother," Tsukasa said. He motioned to Amane who smiled and waved.

Yashiro's face turned bright pink and waved at Amane, and in return Amane winked. "He's so in love with me!" She whisper shouted into Mitsuba's ear.

Mitsuba just glared at Tsukasa's brother. After all, he was the reason for their suspension.

"Hello, Mitsuba Sosuke. How have you been?" Amane asked with a sly smirk. He tries to annoy Mitsuba.. it works.

"Go fuck yourself, man whore." Mitsuba flipped of Amane.

"Only if you watch!"

The rest of their trip home consisted of Mitsuba and Amane making snarky remarks at the other and pissing one another off. Yashiro took note that Amane kept his hand around her waist until they split ways. Perhaps you should too.


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