-~Chapter 7~-

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While Kou and Mitsuba sat inside, they chatted about things to do for each other. Sometimes they would talk about things that would comfort one another. They thought of a song. Of course the song didn't belong to them, but they really liked it.

"You were my sunshine~ my only sunshine. You made me happy when times were gray..." they sang, "You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Why did you take my sunshine away?"

Mitsuba smiled at Kou, "I like that song." Kou smiled back, "I do too."

Hours passed and during that time, they shared smiles and laughs. It got dark quickly as time went by and Kou took a look out of the window. "Sousuke... it's getting dark. I should head home." He said with a tone of sadness. Mitsuba looked too and nodded, "You should..."

They left to Kou's house and stopped right outside the sliding door. "This may be the last time is see you, Sousuke." His voice trembled at the thought of never seeing the one he loved most. Sousuke shook his head.

"I'm sure you'll be back." He produced a small smile to cover his face. "I am upset you have to leave after meeting you so early. I just wish good luck with your travels." He finished and hugged Kou. Kou hugged back, sighed, and kissed the top of Mitsuba's head.

"I will be back. Don't worry."

That morning Kou left and went to the big city, Edo (modern day Tokyo). He trained and trained to be a samurai just as he was told. To be honest, he did an exceptionally amazing job that they decided to recruit him right then and there. He started to train harder than the other candidates. Kou thought that by the time he was old enough to actually be drafted to war, the war would stop. And oh boy was he wrong.

Over the course of 3 years, he had sent numerous love letters and just regular letters in general to Sousuke. But today... he sent one singular letter that made Mitsuba jump with excitement,

"My dear,

It seems that all my training is finished and they do not need me here in Edo for now. They have given me a choice to go to war or to spend 2 months with a family member or a loved one. Of course I'd spend 2 months with you, Sousuke. I would love to catch up with you, spend hours and days on end with you. By the time you receive this letter, I should be only a day away. I can not express feelings for how excited I am to finally see you again. Just wait for me. I'll see you soon, my love.

Yours truly,
Minamoto Kou"

Mitsuba read the letter over and over just to make sure it was real. It sure was. He couldn't contain his happiness and he flopped onto his bed and rolled around. "He is really coming back.. after so long I get to see him again.." Mitsuba decided to go outside to where they had their first 'date'. He enjoyed the outside a lot. It made him feel free and even though Kou had come into his life, he still had those suicidal thoughts. The outside had been able to change that for just a short while.

Mitsuba had considered the time he spent outside and decided to go back home. He skipped his way back and kicked dirt and rocks on his way back. He came up to his door and he stood still as tears poured out of his eyes.

"You're not going to hug me?" Mitsuba ran up to him and tackled him to the ground. "You're early, Kou." Kou just laughed and ran his fingers through Mitsuba's long hair, which had grown over the three years they were separated.

"Is it bad that I'm early?"

"No. Not at all. I'm so happy" Mitsuba said, tears dripping onto the shirt Kou was wearing. After staying on the ground for what seemed like forever, they moved inside and talked about things each other had missed out on. Amana had a wife now and 2 children and Tsukasa was an amazing unlce.

"Wow. I mean he is respectful and all but I could never imagine him having a wife. And 2 chidren... and is Tsukasa okay with being single?" Kou asked Mitsuba. Mitsuba shrugged, "I think he told me he is chasing after someone but I forgot who..." Mitsuba trailed off with that sentence before laying his head on Kou's shoulder.

"By the way, Kou. This thing looks very uncomfortable. Shouldn't you take it off?" Mitsuba asked, poking at the out of place breastplate on Kou. He had never questioned it until now, but it bothered him. It bothered him how each time he hugged Kou, Kou seemed to flinch as if he were hurting.

Kou shook his head, "It's alright. Actually kind of comfortable." He lied and scratched his head. Mitsuba threw him a bitch look. "Kou. You scratch you head when you lie. Take it off. I can see it's uncomfortable." Kou gave in and a look of sadness came over him. The look made Mitsuba feel like he had said something he will forever regret. This look... it.... it seemed as if it was a 'goodbye' look.

"Haha! Alright, Sousuke. You won." Kou stood up and took off the breastplate. He seemed hesitant but did it anyway. Mitsuba started to cry. He just stared. He never wanted any of this to happen. Why couldn't he have said nothing about it?



A/N: Sorry this update took so long. I was overwhelmed with school work and once I was free, I had writers block. I do apologize and I will try to update quicker.

I really hope you guys won't kill me for what I'm about to do....

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