「Chapter 2」

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Please read author's note at the end of the chapter :D

Kou kept his eyes on Mitsuba during the school day. He saw how Mitsuba socialized with others and wondered if he could be like that one day.

"Oh why is there a Freshman in our class?" Mitsuba asked his little group. "What do you mean? There aren't any freshmen in this class." One of them replied. Mitsuba sighed and looked confused, "So Minamoto is a Sophmore?" The group nodded and Mitsuba sunk into embarrassment.

He took a glance at the boy in the back of the room and saw Minamoto looking at him. The fragile boy turned away quickly and pulled out a book to distract himself. Mitsuba chuckled and thought the reaction was cute.

Mitsuba turned to his group and smiled, "He's kinda cute too." The group laughed at Mitsuba. "Falling in love is so... ew." A boy with dark hair and brown eyes said and fake gagged. Mitsuba rolled his eyes and flicked the boy's forehead, "Oh shut up Tsukasa. You know nothing."

"Falling in love seems so stupid." He said and a girl playfully slapped his arm.

"Your brother and I aren't stupid!" The girl was shocked to hear what Tsukasa had said next. "Just because you like my brother, doesn't mean he likes you back Daikon-senpai."

Not too long after, the bell rung signaling that the day had ended. Students were stopped by teachers who told them to slow down multiple times over. I mean...since it was the weekend, I would run too lolz.

Mitsuba was staying in the empty classroom to do chores and clean up his messy reputation after the suspension. As he was putting up the cleaning supplies, he heard the door slide open. A small quiet voice said something after the door was closed.

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" He turned around to see Minamoto standing there, fiddling with his fingers. "Ah.. I'm sorry. I need to speak up more." He said quietly. Mitsuba walked closer and this was when he realized the major height difference between the two. Minamoto was only to Mitsuba's chest and the smaller boy had to look all the way up to look Mitsuba in the eyes.

"It's okay. I'll still listen to what you have to say, Minamoto." Minamoto seemed to smile a little, "Please just call me Kou. I'm not too fond of my surname." Mitsuba smiled and bent down a little to look Kou in the eyes. "Okay, Kou. What did you want to tell me?" Kou backed up a little in shock. "Uhm.. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for kinda... covering for me about the office thing. Something came up so I ended up getting to class later than planned."

Mitsuba stood up straight again and turned to write on a piece of paper. "My number. If you need anything." Kou took the paper and smiled, blushing a little, "Th..Thank you, Mitsuba."

Mitsuba sighed, "Sousuke. Call me Sousuke," Kou nodded in response. Mitsuba couldn't handle it anymore and reached his hand out to pat Kou's head. Kou flinched a little but relaxed after feeling the warmth of another person on him.

From where Mitsuba was standing, he could see a purple-blue spot on Kou's face and neck. "Kou.. what are these?" Mitsuba brushed a hand against the spots with his hands and Kou made a noise of pain. Mitsuba took his hands away immediately and apologized.

"It... hurts a little.." Kou said quietly and looked at his feet. He started to nibble on his fingernail.

"Don't do that. You'll develop a habit." Mitsuba removes Kou's hand from his mouth and brings Kou into a hug. "Are you nervous?"

Kou nods and clings onto Mitsuba. To Kou, it felt nice to feel embraced in a nonsexual way. He wasn't used to it, but he'd like to. Kou liked hugging Mitsuba and Mitsuba liked hugging Kou.

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