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"Dear Kou,

   I had decided to find you, where ever you are. No matter the places or boundaries I'd have to cross to find you, I will do so. Kou I love you dearly and I know how you must have felt. It mush have hurt... but knowing I will see you shortly, there is no reason for me to not smile. I love you, Kou. And just for that.. I had written a small poem.

'As you may know,
I feel sad.
But I love when I tell you,
and you don't get mad.

The feeling of trust,
it makes my skin crawl.
It hurts my ribs,
I hate it all.

Nothing wrong with you,
you're perfect the way you are.
It's just the feeling of betrayal,
and its agonizing old scar.

You make me happy,
I love that by far.
I wish only one thing,
you should know how special you are.'

I had written this for you after I had met you and realized my feelings. I hope you like it :)

Mitsuba Sousuke"

After reading this note, Nene had enough. She passed out from stress and never woke up again.

What an upsetting way to die. Stress. If it was me I'd bring myself back to life and jump into an active volcano. But I can't control anything.

I can only control how things start and how things end. How things can change and how things stay the same. But what I want to see is happiness.

So stay tuned because I am not ending it like this...


End of Volume 1

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