-~Chapter 1~-

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Summer of 1604

"Hey, have you heard? We've got a new transfer student!"

"Yeah I did. I heard they used to be some sort of assassin.."

"Oh yeah? Look at them, I bet they were a prostitute!"

The class murmured about rumors that spread merely based on the appearance of a new student.

"Shh speak quieter or they'll hear you!!" Someone shushed the class down a notch. Although they talked as quietly as possible, the transfer student unfortunately heard them all.

"Class, quiet down now! Sir..." The teacher turned to look at the boy who stood at the front of the class.

He nodded, "It is nice to meet you all. I am Mitsuba Sousuke." Mitsuba spoke quietly as if to show that he didn't want much interaction with the others. Mitsuba was told to take a seat by a person named Teru. He did as he was told and took out his papers to do the lesson.

He was happy it was a quiet class time but that quickly turned around as the school day ended. On his way out of the building, he was bombarded with questions. A couple, which popped up the most, got on his nerves. "No I am not an assassin, and no, I am not a prostitute."

He stomped off angrily, and as he walked off he felt better. Mitsuba was at peace once he felt the warm breeze brush his bangs to the side. He inhaled and exhaled, the crisp air filling his lungs. "That seems like a nice place." He mumbled and sat in the shade of a nearby tree. He hummed to himself, taking in the beauty of nature when he saw Teru, his classmate, talking to someone who looked similar to him.

"Yeah, yeah I know, but do we have to go now? I'm only 17." The other said with a sigh.

"Kou, you know we have to do this! Mother needs us to do this! To avenge our father from that war with the new country," Teru said proudly.

The other, Mitsuba assumed was Kou, sighed again.

Their path seemed to go in the direction of Mitsuba, who highly protested against this.

Mitsuba's thoughts run wild, "No no no! please walk in the other direction. I wanna be alone," He scooted away from them but Teru saw him and ran over, dragging Kou behind him.

"Hey, Mitsuba! Fancy meeting you here," Teru smiled.

Mitsuba just smiles and stands up. "Ah, yes. Same here." He smiled with a small nod.

"This is my brother, Minamoto Kou. Say hi Kou!" Teru pulled Kou out from behind him and pushed his brother to the front.

"Hi, nice to meet you... uh..."

Mitsuba chuckles quietly, "Mitsuba Sousuke. Nice meeting you as well."

They bowed and Teru chimed in, "He seems like a nice guy huh, Kou?"

Kou's eyes widen "A boy? Oh my lord. His name gives it away," His thoughts caused his face to flush

Mitsuba's head tilted in confusion, "Anything wrong, Minamoto?"

Kou shook his head, "Just call me Kou, its less confusing that way, and I apologize but I," he paused, " I thought you were a girl." He rubs his neck, avoiding eye contact as his voice got progressively quieter.

Sousuke and Teru couldn't keep their laugh in. "Ahahahah!! Kou! You thought Mitsuba was a girl???" Teru doubled over and Mitsuba had a hard time keeping himself up straight.

"Hey! it's not nice to laugh at people!" Kou says, trying to defend himself.

Mitsuba cleared his throat, "Ehem.. it's okay. It happens a lot," he chuckles, "Anyway, you two have a nice day. I have to head home whole the sun is still up."

Kou and Teru nodded.

The three walked in the same direction, and before Mitsuba says anything, Kou speaks up, "Eh- we live this way. Please don't think we are following you or anything..."

Mitsuba shakes his head, "Don't worry. I haven't thought of that."

They walked in a comfortable silence until Mitsuba pointed in an opposite direction from where the two other boys started to head toward. "I live this way, you?"

Teru smiles, "We live this way." And he pointed in the other direction.

"See you later then." Mitsuba mumbles and sets off. However... before he gets too far, a weight is felt on his sleeve. He turns to see Kou standing there.

"Um, if it isn't much trouble, you can come over whenever you want!"

For the first time that day Mitsuba had a reason to smile, so he did. "Of course."

While Kou walked away from Mitsuba, Teru waited until Kou caught up with him. He had picked up subtle hints but he never thought for sure so he had to ask, "Kou, do you like men?"

Kou hesitated for a second before replying a small 'no'.

Teru sighs, "I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm your brother after all. I'd never do that."

Kou admitted defeat and nods. "But please, keep it secret!" He whisper shouted.

"So," Teru's voice sounded mischievous, "You like Mitsuba?"

Kou's face flushed, "Wh-what?! No!! You must... be crazy..." He said quieting down.

Teru just gives him a look and Kou groans and nods. "Yes I do..."

Teru laughs, "I knew it! Now tell me, you've seen him only once, so why?"

Kou kicks the rocks beneath him. "There's just something captivating about how soft spoken and formal he is. His eyes are a beautiful pink color, so is his hair, and his skin is so clear and pale." He talked about the things he noticed about Mitsuba and spoke on how he liked each individual thing.

"Wow." All Teru could do was stare in wonder at his younger brother. "You've met him for but a moment and you already have his personality down to the mark!" He wrapped his arm around his brother and started off toward their house. "Good luck, my brother!"

Meanwhile, Mitsuba stumbled into his small, lonely house with a red face. Is this what friendship is like? No, no. This... this is different, but what is it? He had to know but that is going to be saved for another time. He was exhausted from school so he was glad that he went there the week before summer break.

All that was on his mind as he fell asleep on his wood flooring was Kou Minamoto. And to be honest, he did look quite handsome.


A/N: yay! Chapter one!

I hope you guys like so... yeah :)

[Updated Version]

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