First Lady Marla Maples Shopping Spree

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The president and first lady woke up from a good night sleep snuggled up in each other's arms.

"Good morning beautiful!" Donald whispered in Marla's ear.

"Good morning handsome, what's on the agenda for today?"

"I have meetings off and on all day, but I believe you're not going to be too busy."

"It really sucks, whenever I don't have much to do you always have a ton!" Marla said.

"I know but we have a vacation coming up in about a month."

"Yeah, but that feels like so, so, so far away!"

"It will go by faster than you think sweetheart!"

"I hope you're right!"

"So, what are you planning on doing today?" the president asked.

"I think today would be a great day to do a little shopping."

"Hmm, will you be visiting the lingerie store?" Donald asked hoping to get the answer he wanted.

Marla blushed and started to giggle a little, "Quite possibly!"

"Now remember we're quite wealthy sweetheart, I'm sure you could spare a little cash!"

"Don't you have a job to do, like be the president of the United States or something."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be sure to get right on that, right after I know you'll be buying lingerie!"

After Donald left for work, Marla got ready to go to the mall. She decided to go with a more casual but still elegant outfit. It would be appropriate since she would be doing lots of walking. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail, then slipped into her tennis shoes. She was ready to head to the mall but not without a quick snap of her outfit to her husband first.

When they got to the mall, the Secret Service men checked out the surroundings then Marla exited the car. She sure did miss the mall because she hadn't been since Donald was sworn in, and she was unsure if she could wait that long again. She decided to go dress shopping first, since that was what she wore most days. Then she was onto other fancy outfits, and accessories. She shopped around for dress clothes for almost thirty minutes when she decided it was time to look for shoes.

The Secret Service men were being so careful, but she wished she had a little more privacy. When she got to her favorite shoe store, she noticed that a lot of fans were watching her which made her a little embarrassed. She loves all her fans to death, but she was terrified of reporters. She could do anything at any instant that they could pick on her for, and the fact that she got embarrassed easily didn't help matters. She saw a cute pair of shoes, but noticed that they weren't in her size.

"Can I help you ma'am?" A worker asked her.

"Yes actually, do you have these in a size 9 1/2 or 10?"

"I'll have to go back and see."

When the worker came back, he was holding a box of shoes. But little did Marla know they were size 8. This worker did not like her husband very much and wanted to play a mean trick on her.

"Here you go ma'am it's the last size 10 in stock." The man lied.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Marla said.

She tried to squeeze her foot in the shoe. After almost a full minute of painful squeezing she was able to get her left foot in. The worker could tell it was hurting her, and into his amusement she started working on her right foot. When she finally had the shoes on, she tried to stand up. It was very painful, but she started to walk, until the heel of her right shoe got caught in a crack in the floor. By now a reporter or two were recording her and people were still taking pictures. She tried to move her foot but she couldn't get the heel out of the hole. Oh no! She was just about to trip.

"Come on, trip for me Marla!" A reporter who was recording her whispered.

Finally, she was able to get the heel of her shoe out of the crack. The reporter was pretty mad that he wasn't able to get footage of her tripping, it honestly ruined his day.

"Are you sure these are size 10?" Marla asked.

The man picked up the box of the shoes and acted like he just noticed they were size 8. "Hmm, I'm sorry ma'am I must have made a mistake." The man said showing her the box.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Marla said as she tried to pull the shoes off.

The worker saw his boss wave at him, so he walked over to talk to him. The worker's boss got on to him for what he did, and said he had to give Marla three pairs of free shoes. When the worker told Marla the news, she was excited, but she didn't think her feet could handle trying on more shoes today. Marla announced to the crowd that she would be giving the free shoes to her fans. Which she did! That was not the kind of story about the Trumps the news reporters wanted to report.

After her horrible day of shopping, Marla decided it would be best if she headed back to the White House. Right as she was about to leave she remembered what Donald said about the lingerie. She debated on what she should do for a few minutes, before deciding to just go home. Besides when she orders online, she doesn't have to worry about the awkward photos that would have been taken.

When she got home, Donald was happy to see her. She gave him a big hug and he asked how her day went.

"To tell you the truth baby, I've had better shopping days." She laughed.

"Oh dear, what went wrong?"

She told Donald the whole story about what happened to her at the shoe store. He picked up quickly that it wasn't an accident the worker made, and that he did that on purpose to his baby. Although he did have to admit it was a little funny.

"So where is the lingerie?" He asked looking at the bags she had sat on the table.

"Well, I was planning on going to buy some after I shopped for shoes, and after that experience I was ready to go home."

"So, you didn't buy any?" He asked.

"Nope, but I can order online! I can get free shipping when I buy several items too!"

Now Donald liked the sound of that. "Did you learn anything from your shopping day, baby? he teased.

"Yes, always buy lingerie first!"

"That wasn't exactly what I was going for, but it will do." he said laughing as he pulled her into a kiss.

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