Farmer Jake's Farm

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Donald, Marla, and Tiffany were staying in Georgia with Marla's family.  They were staying for five days, and today was their third day.  Today they were planning on visiting a local farmer in the area.  The farmer's name was Jake, and he had been farming for almost twenty years now.  Donald and Marla we're pretty excited, but Tiffany was thrilled to get to see all of the cute animals. 

"Mom I guess me and Donald are about to leave to go to Farmer Jake's."  Marla told her mother.  "Okay honey be careful."  "We will, are you sure you don't want to go with us."  "I'm sure, I was over there a few days ago, and I need to get supper cooking."  After everyone told Ann bye, they hopped in the car. 

After the ten minute drive was over, they were fascinated at the beautiful farm.  "Mommy do you think I could ride the horsey?" five-year-old Tiffany asked.  "I don't know honey."  "Daddy if I get to ride the horsey can you ride with me?"   "Sure honey, as long as it's okay with Jake."   "Okay Daddy!"  "You know Donald, I love city life,  but looking at all of this kind of makes me wish I lived in the country again."  "I know, and unfortunately we can't keep animals like this in Trump Tower."  "Yeah animals like this don't belong at Trump Tower, and they take a lot of time to take care for, we use that extra time for kissing."  "Ewww,  you kiss that much?"  Marla smiled "Maybe we do, or maybe we don't." Donald smiled then whispered in her ear "But we do."  "And we do a lot more than kiss." She said in a flirty voice.  "Please don't bring that up, we won't be home for a few more days."  "I know and it really sucks, but I promise you can have me as soon as we get home."  "Good that will give me something to look forward to."  "Trust me I have been looking forward to it ever since we left New York."  "What are you two whispering about?" Tiffany asked.  Marla blushed worried that she overheard their conversation but luckily she didn't.  "Nothing!" They both said quickly.

Farmer Jake walked out the front door of his house and welcomed them to come in.  The Trump's came in for a few minutes to chat and get a sip of water.  Tiffany had a fun time playing with Jake's house cat while her parents talked to him.  When they finish talking, Jake took them outside and showed them around.  He showed them the crops he had planted, and told them he was about to go feed the pigs.  "Can I see the piggies with you?" Tiffany asked.  "You sure can Tiffany, have you ever fed pigs before?"   "No but I feed my stuffed animals all the time." Everyone laughed as they walked out to the pig pen.  Jake showed Donald, Marla, and Tiffany what to do and watched as they happily fed the pigs.  "Do you have any goats?" Marla asked.   "Yes ma'am I do, I have almost one-hundred goats."  "Really, goats are one of my favorite animals, can we go see them next?"  "If you want to I also have sheep."  "Oh boy we can go see them too!" Donald said.

Once they got done feeding the goats and sheep, they went back inside to get some ice cream.   "This is some of the best ice cream I've ever had  where did you get it?" Tiffany asked.  "I didn't buy it, it's homemade made out of our cow's milk."  "Really that's so cool, Mommy, Daddy can we get a cow and make our own ice cream from now on?"  "As much as I love cows and I love this ice cream I'm afraid we can't get cows sweetheart." Donald told her.  Jake noticed that Tiffany looked sad but he knew something that would cheer her up.  "Hey Tiffany  do you like baby animals?" "I love baby animals!" Tiffany said happily.  "I really like baby animals too!" Marla said.  "Well I've got a treat for y'all, I had some baby chicks that just hatched a few hours ago."  "Really, really can we go see them right now."  "Of course we can, I have some that haven't fully hatched yet."

Jake took the family out to see the baby chicks in the other barn.  He had the baby chicks in an incubator,  and he had to explain to Tiffany what an incubator was.  "Look how cute they are mommy and daddy was I that cute when I was a baby?"  "Yes the baby chicks are very cute, but you are even cuter than that when you were little, you are still very cute now!  Tiffany really wanted to hold a baby chick, but Jake had to tell her no, since it wasn't good for them.  Before the evening was over, they got to watch another baby chick finish hatching.  Jake had explained to them how long and hard a process hatching was for baby chicks.  They had a great day at the farm and hoped they could come back again soon.

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