Losing Hair

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Marla was in the closet changing into Donald's favorite nightgown while he was in the shower bathing. Donald put some conditioner in his hair and let it set for two minutes before rinsing it out. When he rinsed it out, he felt something kind of funny in his hand. "What!" He said looking in his hand. He couldn't believe what he was seeing! It was a piece of his hair. He immediately started to freak out. He opened the door of the shower to look at his head in the mirror. He had a bald spot close to the front of his head. "Please let this be a dream." He murmured as he sat on the seat in the shower.

"Honey, are you okay?" Marla said from the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just slipped." Donald answered who was still horrified.

"Well, I'm coming in!" Marla said as she unlocked the door with the key. She walked in the bathroom and opened the shower door to see Donald all wrapped up in a towel.

"What in the world?" Marla asked.

He also had a towel wrapped around the top of his head so she couldn't see his hair.

"Please leave me alone for a minute." Donald said.

She stepped out of the shower and went back to their bedroom. Donald put his clothes on and looked at his head in the mirror for a long time.

What if she makes fun of me? He wondered as he grabbed Marla's pink shower cap and put it over his head. He opened the bathroom door and went into their bedroom.

"Why are you wearing my shower cap babe?" Marla asked laughing.

"It's nothing, my head was just cold."

"Let me see that handsome head of hair!" Marla said pulling the shower cap off.

"No!" He cried, but it was too late. When Marla pulled off the shower cap, she saw his bald spot.

"Handsome, oh my what happened to your hair?"

Tears started to form and Donald's eyes, he tried to hold them in, but they were too heavy. Marla wrapped him in her arms and pulled him to her chest.

"I'm so embarrassed!" Donald admitted.

"It's normal for men your age to start balding, I'm sure you can get something to make it grow back."

"What if it doesn't grow back, and I go completely bald?" Donald asked that had always been his worst nightmare.

"Well, I hate to tell you but you would be hairless." Marla said making Donald burst in tears again.

"But I really like my hair, it's not fair."

"You'll still be just as handsome to me even if you don't have a speck of hair." Marla said honestly.

"Really, you won't be embarrassed by my baldness?" Donald asked.

"Of course not!" Marla didn't like how upset Donald was about losing his hair. "I married you for you, not for your hair." She told him kissing his cheek. "I love you for you!"

"I married you for what's in your heart too Baby!" Not that you're not gorgeous." Donald said.

"No matter how you look in the future, I will always love you." Marla said honestly.

Donald grabbed Marla and pulled her under the blanket. Then they put their heads next to each others as they fell asleep.

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