That's the Night That the Lights Went Out in Georgia

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Donald and Marla we're traveling to Georgia to visit Marla's family for Thanksgiving. They had left early that morning and now it was almost sunset and they still weren't quite there yet. They still had about two hours to go and they were starting to doubt if they can make it.

"I'm getting so tired baby." Donald told Marla who was sketching in her notepad.

"I think we have at least two hours till were there, we might just want to stop at a hotel tonight."

"That might be a wise decision, except I haven't seen any hotels in quite a while."

"Maybe that means there's one coming up soon." Marla said trying to encourage him to keep driving.

"I hope you're right, but I think we're in the middle of nowhere."

"That's probably pretty accurate!" Marla said with a small laugh.

"Next year we've got to take the private jet."

"I know right we would have been there hours ago."

"Do we still have any Gatorade?" Donald asked.

"Red or blue, we have both?"


Marla pulled the blue Gatorade out of the cooler and screwed the top off for him. Then she handed him the bottle and watched as he took a few sips, then put it back in the cooler.

They drove on for a little longer and gradually grew more impatient.

"I hope we find a hotel or something soon I really need to go to the bathroom." Marla said.

"I know I need to go too, and I'm about to starve."

"I really doubt any restaurants are going to be open at this time of night."

"McDonald's stays open late."

"Oh I figured you wanted something a little fancier."

"I would prefer something a little fancier, but as soon as I see a McDonald's I'm stopping for a burger and fries." Donald said.

Not much longer after that they saw a nice hotel and decided to stay at it for the night. It had a 4-star rating and a pool so what could go wrong.   As soon as they got their room, and used the bathroom of course Marla called her parents to tell them the news. They were starting to get a little worried and we're so glad to hear from them. The couple finished unloading what they would need for the night and switched on the TV.

"What are you looking for?" Donald asked.

"I don't know, I can't seem to find anything interesting."

"Want me to try?"

"Sure honey maybe you'll have better luck." She said tossing him the remote.

Donald flipped through the channels a few times too, but they still couldn't find anything interesting to watch.

"Hey baby, would you rather just cuddle instead of watching TV?" Donald asked.

"That's a great idea I could never turn down cuddling with you."

Marla walked over to the bed Donald was in and lay down next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head next to his. She gently pressed her breast against his chest and scooted a little closer so their noses were touching.

"I love snuggling with my beautiful girl." Donald said.

"Well, I love snuggling with my handsome boy."

"Are we even going to take a bath tonight baby, or are we just going to wait till we get to your parent's tomorrow?" Donald asked.

"I mean it's up to you but we'll have a lot more privacy here if you're talking about showering together." Marla told him.

"You know, taking a shower tonight started sounding a lot better, I'm down if you are."

"I'm totally down!" Marla said shooting him a smile.

They climbed out of bed and walked into the tiny bathroom. Marla turned on the shower water so it can warm up while Donald got them towels. They stripped each other down then climbed in the steamy shower.

They took turns washing each other randomly kissing as they touched.  Donald started to rub his hands all over Marla. He rubbed his hands over her boobs and gave them a gentle squeeze making her moan. They started making out for the longest time. When they came up for air Donald decided to make their shower even sexier.

"Donald are you sure you don't want to go to the bed, this shower is a little small?"

"Ohh, baby I can't wait that long I need you, now!" He whispered in her ear leaving a kiss on her cheek.

He pushed her up against the wall of the shower and leaned into her.

"Baby!" she wished sexily.

He was about to enter her when the water got cold. He turned the water off then pick her up, she wrapped her legs around his stomach as he carried her to the bed.

"Baby shouldn't we dry off first?" Marla asked.

"It will help us stay cool."

She lay there staring up at his handsome face. He claimed on top and entered her. They both moaned and grunted, the entire time they were in complete and utter pleasure.

When it was over they were exhausted but needed each other more.

"You up for round two?" Donald asked hoping he got a yes.

"You know I want as much of you as I can get, you sexy man!"

"Just give me a minute baby!" He said proudly.

"Can you be a dear and turn off the light please?"

"Sure!" He said as he crawled out of the bed and turn off the light. "You know baby we need to do this more often."

"What stay in a hotel in Georgia?" She jokingly asked, she knew what he was talking about.

"No this!" He said in a flirty voice.

"Well you know what they say, that the night that the lights went out in Georgia! Now show me you love me baby!"

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