Marla's Personal Trainer

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"Honey do you think you'll be going to town today?" Marla asked her husband.  "I don't think so, why?"  "It's no big deal I was just hoping to buy a new exercise DVD.  As much as I like my own they're starting to get a little boring, I want to do something new."  " I have a fun idea. How about instead of exercising to a DVD, for today I'll be your personal trainer."  "I like that idea, I'll get to look at someone super handsome for a change while I exercise." Marla smiled widely.  "And I will get to look at the most gorgeous girl in the whole world." They both leaned into a kiss, then Donald told Marla to get in her exercising gear.

Marla ran upstairs and changed into her very 90's style exercise gear.  When she walked downstairs Donald couldn't get over how cute she looked.  "I do not look cute, I am wearing my exercising gear!"  "Baby you just must not understand, you look cute wearing literally everything, and nothing." Marla smiled and started to blush a little.  "So what do you want me to do personal trainer."  "I want you to warm up by doing some jumping jacks."  Marla did as she was told while Donald looked at his gorgeous wife.  When she finished her jumping jacks, Donald told her to run in place for 30 seconds.  "I really am enjoying you being my personal trainer, we'll have to do this a little more often."  "Trust me I'm down I love staring at and spending time with my gorgeous woman!"  "Aww, Thank you honey I really enjoy spending time with you too!"  Next Donald told Marla to run around Trump Tower.  She did exactly as she was told, after two laps she started to get a little tired and stopped next to her husband.  He gently dried her sweaty forehead off with the towel and told her how good she was doing.  "Alright break time's over!"  He said as he slapped her butt.  Marla knew he would give her as long of a break as she wanted he just really wanted to hit her butt.  After another lap she decided to take a break again. 

"Now it's time for you to work on your abs I want you to give me 50 sit-ups."  Marla smiled and started doing her sit ups.  After she did 35 she was too tired to do any more so Donald did them for her.  Then he told her a few other exercises to do and she happily did as she was told.  He encouraged her almost constantly and constantly told her how strong and beautiful she was.  They were having such a good time. 

This was by far the most enjoyable exercise session she ever had, all thanks to her wonderful hubby.  When her exercise session was completely over, they lay on the couch while she tried to catch her breath.  Donald brought her a popsicle, and that helped a lot.  "Thanks for doing that for me, it was something new for a change and it was quite enjoyable."  "You're welcome sweetheart I love watching you exercise.  I hope you aren't too tired now because tonight I'm going to give you a different kind of exercise."  "I'm definitely not too tired." she said smiling.  "Good trust me I'm going to make you so happy, you know your award for doing so good."  "You always make me happy in bed, hey are you ready for me to be your personal trainer now."  Donald's eyes widen "Hey you didn't say anything about that!"  He stood up and started to stretch.  She slapped his butt.  " Break time's over!"  She teased.

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