Lunch Break

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Marla was in the living room watching television, when her husband came home for his lunch break. "Hey Honey, you ready for lunch?"

"Oh, I'm ready for something all right, and it's not lunch, I'm ready for you Baby!" Said Donald sitting on the sofa next to her.

Marla smiled, she had a little secret, she had been horny all day. "But Baby, you only have an hour for lunch!"

"So, an hour is long enough, heck at this rate a few minutes is!" Donald started to rub Marla's thigh, which turned her on even more.

Marla: "But Honey, you have to eat during this break too you know!"

Donald: "I'll still have time to pick up McDonald's!"

Marla: "You would rather eat McDonald's than a home cooked meal, made by your wife?"

Donald: "Not really, but if it means I get to have sex with you!"

Marla hesitated for a few seconds, "Fine, I guess you have yourself a deal!"

Donald chuckled, "Making deals is my specialty!"

Marla leaned into him, "Well you're not the only one who's going to have a fantastic lunch!"

Donald started to unbutton her shirt when he had a better idea. "I have an idea, let's play a game!"

Marla looked into his deep blue eyes, "What kind of game?"

"That's a secret, but you'll learn soon enough, Baby!" Donald walked into the kitchen, "Close your eyes, and I'll tell you when you can open them!"

Marla did as her husband wanted, "Okay!"

Donald chuckled as he started to fiddle with his belt, then he pulled his pants down. He stepped out of his pants before throwing his shirt over his head. "You can open your eyes, Baby!" Said Donald who was only in his boxers and socks.

When Marla opened her eyes Donald pulled his underwear down and started running towards her. She let out a girly scream as she started to run around. They had been running for almost three minutes when she was tired of running and ran into their bedroom jumping on the bed.

Donald: "So Baby, do I win?"

Marla: "What answer will get me what I want sooner?"

Donald: "Well you know I love to win Baby, so what do you think?"

Marla: "Fine Donny, you win just get inside of me!"

Donald: "Deal!"

Marla unbuttoned her shirt while Donald pulled her skirt and panties down. "You're turning me on so much!"

"I know!" Said Donald in a sexy voice as he laid on top of her. Marla moaned as he placed his lips up against hers. When the long kiss was over Donald started to work his way down. He spent the most time licking and sucking her breast.

"Baby!" Screamed Marla as he entered her. She glanced at their alarm clock, "We only have fifty minutes!"

"Oh, I got this Baby!" Said Donald as he started making love to her. The love making was fast and intense, which Donald loved.

When it was over Marla threw her arms around her husband, "That was wonderful Baby!"

"It really was!" Said Donald trying to catch his breath. "Time check Baby!"

Marla was a little shocked when she saw the time. "Baby we need to get dressed and head to McDonald's."

"But Marley I'm tired!" Whined Donald.

Marla felt bad for him, "I guess we can rest for a few minutes!"

"Good!" Said Donald sweetly wrapping his arm around her. She leaned up against him.

"I love you so much Baby!" Said Marla as she gave him a big hug. The love making left her a bit emotional.

Donald: "I love you so much too! Maybe we can have a round two tonight!"

Marla: "Yes please, maybe you can let me be in charge!"

Donald: "If you want to be in charge tonight, you definitely can!"

"Oh boy!" Marla was starting to grow tired she was still leaned up against her husband's chest, which was making matters worse. She closed her eyes and soon was sound asleep, Donald fell asleep a few minutes later.

It was almost four o clock when Marla woke up. She started to freak out a little, then she saw what time it was, the work day was almost over and her husband was sound asleep. She shook her husband, "Wake up Donald, wake up, it's almost 4:00!"

Donald quickly woke up and started to get dressed. "We must have fallen asleep!"

Although the situation was not funny Marla couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah that appears to be the case!" She watched as Donald quickly brushed his hair and stepped into his shoes. "See you soon Baby, I'm going to start on dinner!"

"Good because I'm about to starve!" Said Donald as he ran out the door.

When Donald got into his office he quickly sat down and got back to work. Luckily, he didn't miss any meetings, but he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on. As soon as five rolled around he took the paperwork he did not finish upstairs.

"Hey Baby, how was your day?" Marla asked who was in the kitchen eating a roll.

"I can honestly say it was the busiest hour of my life!" Answered Donald as he grabbed a roll.

"Were you able to finish everything?" Marla asked although she already knew the answer.

Donald: "No, but I'm going to work on it after dinner. I'm sure if I get started right away, I can finish in a few hours. That way we can still spend the night how we want."

Marla: "Okay but we better have a round two, I've been looking forward to being in charge all day."

Donald: "Oh trust me, we're still going to have round two if we have to stay up till midnight!"

Marla could not help but laugh, "I love you so much Donald!"

Donald placed a kiss on her forehead, "I love you so much too Baby, now let's get to eating, I'm about to starve!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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