Marla's Birthday

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Donald and Marla had only been awake for about 20 minutes. Donald wasn't sure if he woke up to the sound of their alarm clock or his wife screaming it's my birthday. As he suspected, Marla was super excited about her birthday, and and wanting to get ready for the date as soon as possible.

"Honey would you rather just go pick something up for breakfast?" Marla asked, she was in the couple's bathroom brushing her hair.

"It's up to you baby it's your birthday I'll be happy to fix you something, if you want me to." He was still getting ready to.

"I think I'd rather have Chick-fil-A chicken minis!"

"Okay baby, if that's what you want, I will get you some chicken minis!"

"Oh boy, we've hardly been awake any time at all and I'm already having such a great day!" Marla said smiling.

A little less than an hour had passed, and the couple had already eaten their chicken minis and were on their way to the mall. Marla decided she wanted to go on a shopping spree for her birthday to all of her favorite stores. Donald had already told her there was no budget and she just couldn't wait. She was especially excited to go to Macy's because they were having a big sale today.

When they got there, Marla saw so excited, they walked in the mall together hand-in-hand. They entered through the food court and had to walk a little ways till they got to Macy's. Donald didn't know how long they would be there, but he knew he had to get some mall food for sure.

"Look Donald, that is one of the cutest pocketbooks I've ever seen, it would match my new blue dress perfectly!" Marla said as she ran in a small store.

"I'm sure it would." Donald said, he had to walk pretty fast to keep up with her.

After looking at the purse for a few minutes she asked her husband if she could get it, and of course he said she could. After that they were on their way to Macy's once again. Before they could even get there they had to stop in two more stores to look at things. They'd hardly been shopping 30 minutes, and she already bought one pocket book and two pairs of shoes. Donald could tell it would be one expensive day, but he was glad his baby was having such a great time.

"Look baby, we finally made it to Macy's!" Marla said excitedly.

"I know, I was starting to wonder if we would ever get here." He teased.

"Well you were the one who decided to take me shopping."

"I know and it was a great idea, I can tell you're having such a great time."

Five hours had passed and they were leaving the mall. Marla had a great time, and Donald was happy to see her happy, and he was able to get a ice cream. Neither one of them were really comfortable discussing how much they spent, but let's just say Marla's wardrobe was a lot bigger.

"Where do you want to get your birthday lunch from?" Donald asked.

"Want to go to Hal's?" She suggested.

"Sure I love Hal's, we haven't been in so long."

"I know, I could really go for a huge steak right now." She said giggling.

"Well let's go to Hal's!" He said as he headed off that way.

When they got to Hal's it was packed, but they were able to get a good parking place. He opened the door for her and they walked in together just like they always do. Despite how crowded it was they didn't have to wait. They got a nice seat next to a window with a great view. "Did you enjoy your meal baby you almost cleaned your plate?" Donald asked his beautiful wife.

"I sure did, did you enjoy your meal?" She asked.

"I sure did, it was delicious!"

They both smiled at each other, then their waiter came back to check on them.

"Would you two be interested in desert?" The waiter asked.

"It's my birthday!" Marla said smiling.

A few minutes later the waiter came back with a plate of cake and ice cream and a few of the waiters and waitresses sang to Marla. They split the cake and ice cream and both agreed it was some of the best restaurant cake they'd ever had. Now it was off to Trump Tower for her little party with their family.

When they got there everyone was already inside and ready to surprise her. Just as they planned when she walked in the room they all hollered surprise. She was totally surprised!

After a few hours of celebrating Marla's birthday, everyone went their separate ways leaving Donald and Marla all alone.

"I really had great birthday honey, but I know none of it could have been possible without you."

"I'm glad you had a great birthday baby I love you so much, are you ready for some great birthday sex?"

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