Last Day of School

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Tiffany's last day of school is tomorrow. She was going to finish the 7th grade with all high A's. Tiffany loves learning and has gotten A's on every report card her whole life, but this time she had done exceptionally well. Donald and Marla had discussed what they should do for her getting such good grades. Donald had suggested they throw a party for her and all of her friends on the last day of school. Marla thought that was a great idea and called all of the parents to invite their children over. Everyone was sure not to say anything to Tiffany. Donald and Marla had picked up fruit, popsicles, candy, hot dogs, special cups with designs on them, and inner tubes and floats.

Finally it was the last day of school. Tiffany woke up almost two hours early to get ready for the last day which was awards day. She wanted to look super pretty. After she finished getting dressed, she went downstairs to get breakfast. Every year on the last day of school, Donald cooks an incredible breakfast with all of Tiffany's favorite breakfast foods. He fixed up several things but what interested Tiffany the most were his chocolate chip pancakes. "Daddy if they taste near as delicious as they smell you could win an award for these." "Thanks for your compliment sweetheart, but I don't think they're quite that good." "There's my little soon-to-be eighth grader!" Marla said running over to give her daughter a hug. "Thanks Mom, but I hope you and Dad know there's no way I could do as good as I did without you." "I'm sure you would have done excellent even without our help darling!"

After breakfast, Marla had to take plenty of pictures of Tiffany before they drove to school. Usually Tiffany rode the bus, but since Awards day started an hour after school started, there was no need for her to ride the bus today. "So Daddy what are we going to do after school's over?" "I don't know about you two but I was hoping we could get some serious food!" "Donald you're thinking about lunch already you just finished breakfast 30 minutes ago!" "Actually it was 28 minutes ago, and of course I am, I'm already starving!" "Honey you ate six pancakes!" "And that was four not enough!" Marla just laughed she loved her man so much even if he did eat like a horse sometimes.

When they finally got to Tiffany's school, Donald pulled over in a parking place. "Hey Mom, Dad what are y'all going to do for the next hour and 21 minutes?" "Hmm, well I'm sure we can entertain ourselves Donald said looking at Marla giving her the look." "Dad! Tiffany said "You know your windows are partially see-through right!" "They are, dang, it as much as I paid for these things!" Tiffany laughed and ran off into the school building. Donald pulled the car the farthest away he could from the school where he knew no one could see them. Once they knew they were hid they started making out. Eventually Donald held Marla in his arms tightly and gently kissed her forehead. " I love you so much!" "I love you too I don't know how I got lucky enough to marry a man like you!" "I'm the lucky one, you're an excellent wife and an excellent mother!" The happy couple talked and occasionally kissed until it was time to go in the building. Inside the building, Tiffany was having a great time talking to her friends.

In two hours awards day was over and Tiffany was awarded with: the A honor roll, Grammar award, History award, and a highest class average award. Tiffany was so excited and her parents were so proud. "Tiffany we're going to give you a few little surprises later tonight, but we have one prize to tell you about now. Your dad and I have invited all of your friends to a pool party that starts in about an hour and a half!" "Oh my goodness thank you so much, y'all are the best parents ever!" Tiffany said giving her parents a big hug.

Only a little more than an hour later Tiffany walked out the door wearing her pink bikini holding a beach ball. Tiffany had told her parents they could have the pool until her friends arrived. Tiffany put down her beach ball and ran and jumped in the pool to join her parents. "Your friend should be here in around 20 minutes." "I know but I'm glad I have a little time to spend with my great mom and dad first." "Aww, thank you baby we love spending time with you too!" Later on all of Tiffany's friends came and they had a great time at the pool party. Everyone told Tiffany how proud they were of her for doing so good in school this year, but no one was as proud as Donald and Marla.

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