Baking Is a Piece of Cake

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Ann was in the kitchen gathering all of the things she needed to bake Stan a cake for his birthday. "Are you about to make Daddy's cake." "I sure am do you two want to help?" "We would love to." Donald and Marla said. The phone started to ring and Ann ran over to answer it. It was her husband and he needed her to come pick him up because his car ran out of gas. After telling Donald and Marla what happened, they offered to bake the cake while she went to pick him up. Ann agreed, and said she would take Stan birthday shopping while they were at it.

"Okay Marla, do we have all of the ingredients we need?" "I think so, I'm so excited to bake a cake for Daddy's birthday." Donald read aloud what to do while Marla made the batter. Marla stirred for a little while then when she got tired Donald stirred. They continue taking turns until the cake was ready to go in the oven. Donald carefully put the cake in the oven being careful not to burn himself. Marla was terrible at putting big things in the oven without getting burnt. After setting the kitchen timer they sat at the table while they waited for the cake to finish baking. "Baby girl, do you want to get a snack?" "Sure sweetheart, I know Mom won't mind, let's go see what she has." They ended up eating a few Little Debbie cakes with a glass of milk. They continued to talk until the oven timer started going off. "The cake's ready!" They pulled the cake out of the oven and set it on the table for it to cool. "It smells delicious!  I hope it tastes as good as it smells." The cake was vanilla and they were going to ice it with chocolate icing. They took a nap while they waited for it to cool.

After their short nap the cake was finally cool and it was time to start decorating it. They worked together on icing the cake. Then picked out what they wanted to decorate it with. Marla was going to write "Happy Birthday Stan" in blue icing, and Donald was going to put a few little cake toys on top. Icing the cake seemed to take forever, but they were having a lot of fun. When they were finished, they hid the cake in the back of the refrigerator so Stan hopefully wouldn't see it.

Not too much longer after they finished, Stan and Ann came walking through the door. "Is it just me or does it kind of smell like cake in here?" Stan asked. Donald and Marla looked at each other and tried their best not to giggle. "No that must just be you honey." "Honey since I wasn't able to cook dinner we're going to order a pizza." "That's fine with me darling."

After dinner everyone was gathered around the kitchen table. "Mama is it time for me to bring Daddy's cake out yet?" "Sure Marla just please be careful not to drop it, that would be terrible!" Ann said giggling. Soon Marla came back with the cake her and Donald spent so much time making. "Oh I guess that's why I smelled cake." "Donald and I spent all afternoon working on this for you, happy birthday Daddy!  I hope it tastes as good as it smells." "Aww, thank you you two, y'all really are the sweetest!" "You're welcome." Everyone agree that Donald and Marla's cake was very good. "Maybe you two should open a bakery." Ann said joking.

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