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Nessa slept soundlessly in the comfort of his own bed. He dreamt about what it was like before he moved, along with a peculiar Wonderland-like world. In two hours, it would be time to wake up.

He turned over in bed, ready to not wake up anytime soon

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He turned over in bed, ready to not wake up anytime soon. That was, until his subconscious mind comprehended the hard ground that he slept upon. That was what caused his eyes to slowly open, instantly slamming shut once more from the bright light pouring in through a large window.

Slowly, Ilya reopened them and did his best to take in his surroundings. There was a woman laying on the floor next to him, but she was facing away. Ilya sat up, trying to remember what went on last night. Glancing around, he found a bed only a few feet away from his spot on the floor. He could see three people all cuddled up on top. Two more girls, and a boy.

He ran a hand through his black curls. Sitting up, he tried to gain some semblance of what went on the night before. But the veil covering his mind was too much to overcome. So he simply shrugged to himself and carried on as though this were normal. For him, it was.

Ilya tossed the small blanket that covered his otherwise exposed lower half off to the side. Then he scavenged around the room for any articles of clothing that may be his. Black skinny jeans and a red flannel—to which he only buttoned the last three buttons. Then of course, his platform shoes that he could not leave without.

Before he left, he glanced back at the room once more. Everyone was naked, and they all appeared rather comfortable. He stifled a snort once he realized that the entire world probably saw whatever they did due to the floor-to-ceiling windows decorating the far wall. It also seemed that everyone in the room was definitely older than he was.

If there was one thing Ilya was good at, it was pretending that he was much older than he was. In reality, he was seventeen. Despite everything he did, he was still a minor and most of what he did in his free time was illegal, but he didn't care. To him, life was just one big game, and he was going to play it the way that he wanted to at the rate in which he wanted to.

As he was staring, the girl on the floor started to stir. That was when Ilya quickly turned around and made his way out of the relatively nice apartment. Thankfully, he found his phone still in his pocket, so he pulled that out to check the time as he walked. It was six in the morning on a Thursday.

"Семь пятниц на неделе." He whispered to himself, utterly exhausted and ready to sleep for a week straight. But he couldn't, because this was how he chose to live life. And besides, he needed to get home in order to check up on Venice anyway.

The streets were busy given that it was prime time for people to start heading to work. Horns honked as traffic began building up, and crowds bustled along the sidewalk. The early morning breeze fanned out over his pale face as he walked, refreshing after a long night. It caused the material of his red flannel to ruffle with each step, which wasn't helped with the fact that he hadn't bothered with buttoning the large majority of it.

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