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Nessa felt liberated. He felt as though he had a chance at freedom, and the future was just at the horizon. His feet were aching from the long walk it took to be so close, but he didn't even care. Time was moving forward, and so was he.

As the end of November grew near, so did the prospect of December exams

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As the end of November grew near, so did the prospect of December exams. Only a few weeks, and Ian would be unable to do anything other than hole up in his room as he desperately tried to cling onto his perfect school record.

He knew that to be true, and he hated that it was coming so soon. In a few months he would be anxiously waiting for his college acceptance letters, and then scholarships. Without scholarships, everything he had ever worked for would mean nothing. They didn't have nearly enough money for his education to continue otherwise.

He was in the middle of writing more essays for more scholarships, when he heard the creaking of the floor behind him. Ian startled, looking to see what was going on. There his mother stood, her smile not quite reaching her eyes, a phone in her hand.

"What are you working on?" She asked.

"Scholarship essays." He told her, gaze dropping to the phone. "Is that Jada?"

His mum laughed, walking over to him and holding it out so that both of them could be in frame. "Here's Ian. Working on school things like always."

Jada was so close to the camera on her end that Ian could barely make out her features. But it was incredibly easy to discern her high-pitched squeal as she saw her brother. Then she pulled back and frowned. "Why the fuck are you working on homework on a Saturday night?"

"Because I've got homework that needs to be done." He rolled his eyes. Jada came home most weekends, but she didn't on that particular one because of some get-together she was attending. By the looks of it, she was in a bathroom. Which meant that she probably went out of her way to call just to make sure that Ian wasn't wasting away his free time.

"You're such a buzzkill, Xavey." She scolded him. "Go out and have fun!"

His mum finally did smile wholly, chuckling to herself. "She's right. You should go out and have some fun."

"I'm in the middle of something." He told her.

"And I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow."

"See? Even Mum gets it." Jada teased, her voice echoing in the bathroom and through the speaker. There was the vague sound of a party happening somewhere else in the house, but Ian didn't contemplate it too long.

"Can you guys please stop harassing me for once?" He made sure to look at both of them with the same scowl, hoping that they would just get the memo and leave him alone. It was already fairly late, and he really just wanted to finish his essay so he could get some sleep.

"We're not harassing you, we just don't want you to be cooped up in here all day." As much as Ian appreciated the fact that she was looking out for him, he was slightly annoyed. She took an earlier shift that afternoon, so that was why she was able to be home right then. Ian had spent the day getting groceries, cleaning the house, and preparing dinner so that it would be ready by the time she got home.

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