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There was someone's warm breath fanning out onto his cheek as they laid in the Queen-sized bed. They didn't have to wake up for a few more hours.

He was going over his list for what felt like the fifteenth time within a five minute window

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He was going over his list for what felt like the fifteenth time within a five minute window. Everything was right where it was supposed to be, which of course it was, and yet Ian couldn't help but believe that he missed something.

"Come on, babe." A feminine voice hummed from behind him, and he glanced over to see his girlfriend, Shyla, waiting impatiently for him to get in the car. "There's no way in hell you missed anything."

"What if I did? I'll look like a twat if I forget something important." Ian told her, going back down the list once more.

"It'd take a bus running you over for you to forget something. Tessa is going to be livid if we don't make it in time to stop and see her along the way." Shyla rationalized, a knit in her dark brow as she stressed over Ian's stress. It was incredibly early in the morning, the pair of them taking the summer break as an opportunity to visit Ian's Mum and then some of his friends.

"We won't make it if we have to stop at a thousand stores because I forgot a thousand things." He huffed, but finally grabbed the trunk of the car and slammed it shut. She grinned in relief, waltzing over to the passenger's side and climbing in. He did the same with the driver's side.

Her long, deep-brown hair was pulled into a tight braid as she wore some comfortable booty shorts and a brown sweater that was his own. It complimented her bronze skin tone. "You're so ridiculous. No one performs better than you, babe. I can guarantee that there isn't anything you missed."

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin said that, and I'm pretty sure he was smart." Ian replied, putting the car into drive and preparing to pull out of the campus parking lot. He was finished with his fourth year of college, planning to continue until he was able to get a job as a radiologist.

"I'm sure that you're probably smarter. Now let's get going, I like road trips." She was brimming with excitement, ready to meet Ian's friends for the first time. They had been together for two years, but she hadn't been able to make it last year when he was invited. Shyla was twenty and studying to be a surgeon, while he was twenty-two.

"Yeah, yeah. You won't be liking it when we're on hour ten." He said, taking them to the road. And with that, they were off. They were going to drive straight from New York, where they were attending college, to Illinois to see his mum. Then after a night spent there, they were going to drive around four more hours to a quiet town on the outskirts of Wisconsin.

"I'll just sleep when I'm starting to get antsy." Shyla propped her feet up on the dashboard, pulling out her phone. Then she turned on her Bluetooth. "What do you want to hear?"

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