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He watched as Venice fed his fish. It made him smile. He seemed to really like Nessa's fishes, always watching them closely as though they were the most fascinating thing to him. Nessa could have watched Venice for hours. Sometimes he did.

The shakes were the worst part, she thought

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The shakes were the worst part, she thought. Sometimes she felt fine, normal even. Then other times she felt like she wasn't even real. Like a human trapped in a doll's plastic skin.

Her body would start to cold sweat all over again, and her hands would shake uncontrollably. Everything hurt. Her bones, her head, her heart, her lips. Keely would find herself justifying taking just a little bit of anything. It didn't even matter what. She just wanted to rummage through her parents' room until she found something that would offer any form of relief.

But she didn't do that at all, because it would not solve anything.

She had been sober for weeks, with only one minor slip up within the first few. Keely couldn't even comprehend something more difficult than overcoming addiction. It felt like almost all of her thoughts were always glued on the idea of taking drugs or getting drunk. It had been like that for weeks. It was wearing her out.

Whenever she took to researching how long withdrawals would last, she learned that it really just depended on what the withdraws were for and how long she took it. Which was her biggest problem, because it was withdrawals from everything. Keely couldn't even remember a time in her life before drugs and alcohol.

As all of those things were driving her to nausea, she was also dealing with her parents in their bedroom. They were high, and they were being as open about their relationship as always. It was only making Keely sicker. She decided to get the hell out of there, before she threw up half because of them.

Keely had no idea where she was going. All she knew was that she needed to do something. Otherwise, she was going to implode. So she stepped out of the trailer, glancing around the trailer park. There were a few kids playing, a few parents cooking. Keely lived there her entire life, so it was exactly the scene she was accustomed to. It was about dinner time. She was vaguely hungry, but she was used to just eating junk food as dinner since her parents usually didn't anything.

At first, she just began to walk. She didn't have any destination in mind other than a place that would help her stop shaking. It didn't help that the weather was so cold, snow completing coating the city in its chilly daze. Keely wore one of her usual pink dresses, but she had a thick pair of leggings underneath, and a coat overtop. Her cheeks were rosy from the crisp air.

As she reached the entrance to the trailer park, she suddenly began to run. Just to occupy herself and keep her body warm. Keely was never much of a runner, but she had the build to pull it off. So she kept going, making sure to be careful and not slip on any frost. Her head still ached, and initially she was still thinking of the drugs she could take.

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