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The rest of day only lasted for a few hours, because Nessa had to be back on school grounds before his Mom came to pick him up. However, he did have a bit of time before that actually happened. That was what called him towards the library, where there always seemed to be someone waiting for him.

There was an ache in his jaw that had been increasing as the day progressed, an occasional throb that spread down his neck and up to his temple

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There was an ache in his jaw that had been increasing as the day progressed, an occasional throb that spread down his neck and up to his temple. Maybe he thought that it was well-deserved, but he didn't really understand how precedented the entire situation was.

However, that didn't stop him from insisting that Kiwi had not done anything wrong when the lunch ladies rushed up to him to try to stop the situation. He told them that he had said something awful to him, and it was entirely his fault for the way that Kiwi reacted. They were not so keen to let it go though, resulting in him having to practically beg them to let the boy off with just a warning.

He didn't speak to Ilya for the rest of the day, not wishing to rub salt in the wound. Whatever had happened to Kiwi, he was sure that it was bad enough to warrant lashing out. Violence didn't exactly have an excuse, but when it was Kiwi who acted out like that, he had no other choice but to believe that he had a good reason.

Ian knew about his anger issues, because he had experienced the brunt of it firsthand when he cheated on Emily. She had also mentioned it a bit while they were in a relationship, but she never did go into detail. All Ian knew was that Kiwi actively tried to become a less angry person, and Ian was certain that he was probably already hating himself enough for snapping and punching Ian in the face. The last thing he needed was a suspension.

The most that Ian could do was distance himself once more. He found himself stood in the library yet again, wondering why he was even bothering. Nessa hadn't been at school for almost the entire school day, the chances of him returning to visit the library were incredibly slim.

As embarrassing as it was, Ian read Alice In Wonderland after his conversation with Nessa a few weeks ago, and he did find himself enjoying it far more than he would have otherwise. Alice's relentless curiosity was far too similar to Nessa's and he could easily see why it was his favorite story.

However, those useless thoughts seemed to fall away once he saw the boy that he had been wishing to see begin to approach him. His breath hitched in his throat, clearly not expecting for him to actually show up. Without a moment of hesitation, his mind liked to remind him of how beautiful Nessa was. But more than that, it wished to note how even more adorable he looked with a flower crown in his hair. Where it came from, he had no idea.

"Hello." Nessa smiled, tucking his hands behind his back as he took a cursory glance at Ian's hands. "You don't have a book?"

"No..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking over at the bookshelves. "I didn't really know what to read."

"We can't have that." Nessa told him, quickly walking over to browse the new books section. It seemed like Ian had already read most of them, but he did not want to break Nessa's heart. However, there was something that felt off about the way he was carrying himself, equally as wondrous as always, but not so confident. Something was peculiar.

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