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Some mornings were more difficult than others. Sometimes he was just tired, and the weight of everything that happened felt like it was crushing him. Or perhaps it was just the hangover from the night before. Venice and Nessa didn't normally drink, but they both decided to give it a shot for the night. And it was fun while it lasted, but the following day was going to be long.

But it was okay, because that was how the road to recovery went.

It took him a moment to realize where he was or how he got there

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It took him a moment to realize where he was or how he got there. Kiwi sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, trying to pick up remnants of the night before.

He remembered getting drunk out of his mind. He remembered kissing Ilya a lot. He also remembered throwing up in Theresa's bathroom, laying on the floor while Ilya took a piss. Kiwi cringed at the thought, wondering how he even managed to drink that much.

But then he smiled, because it had been so much fun. All of his friends came together for the night, and none of their differences were in the way. Emi and Keely talked as if nothing had ever tore them apart. They didn't flirt anymore, but that didn't matter because they still grinned and laughed and sung. Even Ian was there.

His head was aching, and his thoughts were still a bit jumbled. Kiwi stood slowly, not wanting to lose balance. Then he went to the bathroom, where he fished for some medicine to help with his hangover. He showered with the lights off like he usually did, getting dressed quickly. Kiwi couldn't bear to look at his body.

With that, his thoughts began to wander.

What was he going to do when Ilya wanted to have sex? The thought always caused for Kiwi's heart to sink. Of course he wanted to have sex with Ilya, but he couldn't. Not yet. When would the right time come? When would he start to feel self-love? It always hurt whenever he pondered it too long. 

Pushing those problems to the side, he left the bathroom and walked downstairs. His dad was doing the dishes, humming to himself as he worked. At first Kiwi's eyes lit up, because he wanted to talk to his dad about how wonderful his night had been. Then he realized that his mom was in the kitchen as well, wiping the table and counters. His enthusiasm quickly withered away until he was just standing like a timid child in the doorway.

His mom was the first one to notice him, their eyes meeting as she went to put the washcloth away. "Good morning."

She didn't use his deadname, which was a small, and honestly sad, victory. "Good morning."

"Emi and Keely brought you home late last night. You were so out of it you could barely speak." His dad was laughing, clearly finding the whole thing to be hilarious. His mom was not exuding the same energy. Kiwi tried to make himself appear smaller.

"Oh. I don't remember that." He replied.

"I didn't think you would." He continued, chuckling to himself. "Anyway, we just carried you to bed and you seemed to pass out immediately. How are you feeling?"

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