Author's Note.

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Look at this beautiful drawing of Kiwi that @plaugerisms drew!!!! I love it so very much, and it was such a wonderful thing for you to create and share with the world ! ( ˘ ³˘) Thank you!!!!!

If anyone else has fanart that they would like to share, then please don't hesitate to let me know!! I would love to show it off :)))

If you liked this book, I would greatly appreciate checking out my other works!! Any support at all helps me out a ton <3

If you made it this far, then you are magic. Because this book is long af and a whole-ass rollercoaster.

But it was an honor to write. And I hope you enjoyed reading it.

This book began as a fun project, and turned into a massive comfort story that was impossible to end, which I'm sure those of you who stuck through this long year and a half know exactly what I mean. It's you guys who motivated me the most, and I offer my sincerest thanks for giving me the honor of your time, excitement, and patience.

Extra thank you to SirDoosty for your wonderful feedback and passion towards this book. I can very confidently say that you are the biggest reason as to why I managed to finish this book in the first place. Discussing our Nessa moments will always be such a comforting memory to look back on. You are the absolute best!!!

I'm not sure what exactly I want to say right now. Finishing books is always such a surreal feeling. As an artist, I can confidently say that writing a book is the most arduous art form I have ever indulged in. The ups and downs are unlike anything else. It's entirely bittersweet.

There will not be a sequel, since these characters have developed enough to where I believe that they can finish their stories on their own.

Nessa and Venice will always be a piece of my heart so personal and raw that I would not be able to express it through any other means.

Kiwi and Ilya are a side of me that is obvious in many ways, and they were a way for me to vent. A way for me to face my own flaws and grow.

Keely and Emi are my change. My need to learn from myself. They both started out as deeply flawed characters, but they embraced their problems and taught themselves how to live despite it.

Ian is my anchor. I know a lot of you guys hated him, but I loved him. He is the boys I wittiness everyday. He is the toxic character who didn't know how to be any different. But he too was willing to break away and unfurl his wings.

But whatever they all might be to me, I'm sure they're just as important to you in their own way. Or possibly not. Either way, I hope you felt the things they did. Maybe you even grew with them like I did.

Regardless, thank you again. For being here. For reading this. For being alive.

Just as this book proved, it isn't always easy. But you're here all the same. <3

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