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As he was walking with his mom to the car so that she would drive him to school, he thought about how almost intolerably cold the snow was. He still wasn't allowed to drive, so his mom had to, and he wasn't sure that he ever wanted to even try. He was pretty sure that Venice and him would just rely on public transport forever.

With the knowledge that the holidays were only a month away, Emi had to figure out what she was going to do during winter break

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With the knowledge that the holidays were only a month away, Emi had to figure out what she was going to do during winter break. Usually she flew to Scotland and spent it with her father, which was as devastating as it sounded. As much as she didn't want to do that, she also didn't get much of a say in the matter. Her mom always forced her to go so that she still "had a relationship with her father." Whatever the hell that meant.

Emi was perfectly content with never speaking to her father again. The only thing he liked about going there for Christmas was that he would give her a few hundred dollars to buy whatever she wanted, and he paid for her plane tickets. It was the only time he ever paid for anything in her entire life, so it was hard to pass up the opportunity to utilize his infinite wallet.

That was why she found herself sat at the table during lunch, ready to ask everyone something exciting. As soon as there was a break in Ilya and Kiwi's flirting, she cut into the conversation.

"Everyone, pay attention to me." She started, which seemed to be fairly effective in getting all of her friends to turn her way.

Ilya winked. "That's not hard to do."

Emi winked in return. "It better not be."

"What's going on?" Kiwi asked her.

"Do you all have Christmas plans already?" Her hair was recently trimmed, some of the fried edges finally being cut off. However, she also touched up the black again, which wasn't the most healthy thing she could have done. But Emi always loved the ratted hair look, anyway. Maybe that was why she liked Keely's hair so much.

They all exchanged glances. Ilya had no problem answering her first. "Venice and I never have Christmas plans. We haven't celebrated it in years."

"You know my family." Kiwi sighed. "My mom would probably bury me alive if I tried to skip out on Christmas."

"I don't think my parents even know what day Christmas is." Keely said from her spot to Emi's right. Despite not being in a relationship anymore, they couldn't help but still fall into some of their old habits — such as sitting beside each other whenever they could.

"My moms love Christmas. It's a huge deal in my house." Nessa told her, big eyes curious as always as he anticipated what Emi was implying.

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