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It took everything in Nessa to step over that invisible line to enter into the school. That was supposed be the end of his safe zone, but in reality, he was safe nowhere. Not even within his home. He knew that, but it was still hard to not hold onto false hope. After everything that happened, Nessa knew that he would never be alone again. And not because of his friends, but because of something sinister.

Everything he did felt futile. After all, his whole life had been turned upside down because he had to get away. But right then, as he had entered the school, only vaguely registering the words exchanged between his friends, Nessa felt like it was all a waste of time. Nothing would have been any different if he had just stayed. He did this to himself, now he had to pay for the consequences.

When it came time for the dreaded hour, Nessa did not look up from his desk once. He didn't dare move a muscle, he didn't dare make himself be known. But he knew damn well that Mr. Miller wouldn't stop glancing his way. He could feel those prying eyes on the top of his head, waiting expectantly for him to finally lift his gaze. Nessa didn't comply though, and to his pure delight, Mr. Miller never asked him to read an excerpt from the book.

Afterwords, Nessa wanted to feel relieved. He wanted to feel as though things may not be as bad as he first thought that they would be. But how could he feel that way after everything he went through? Because even though the class was over and he couldn't find Mr. Miller anywhere in the halls, the feeling that he was being watched never went away. He felt so foolish for ever believing that it would.

All that mattered for the time being, was the fact that Mr. Miller had yet to make the first move. This day could have gone a lot worse, and Nessa had to hope that it was a positive thing. However, it also meant that he was still anticipating the downfall.

Ian sighed down at the object in his hand, thinking over what he had stumbled upon the night before

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Ian sighed down at the object in his hand, thinking over what he had stumbled upon the night before. Things would have been simpler if he had known that one of Ilya's earrings was stuck to his sweatshirt while his head was still on Ian's shoulder. He was going to have to scold Ilya for not wearing backs on his dangly earrings.

It was pretty, a short silver sword that had been thin enough for it to embed itself within Ian's sweatshirt. Last night, he had studied it as he went over the nights events. He wondered why Ilya was actually out there, or why he had thrown up. Ian wasn't exactly the most compassionate person out there, but he felt bad. Even when Ian used to date Emily, Ilya would still be getting drunk and/or screwing any person who accidentally took one look in his general direction.

The first time Ian was able to confirm his sexuality, was actually because of Ilya. It wasn't until after he and Emily had broken up, because even though Ilya was a manwhore, he was not a boyfriend or girlfriend stealer. Not unless he had permission from both sides of the relationship, anyway.

You're attractive. Ian couldn't help but roll his eyes as he remembered those words. The way Ilya's pretty blue eyes had stared into his, it was such a waste of time. Ilya was a phenomenal kisser, but he was not worth much more to Ian. Well, not in a romantic or sexual sense.

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