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He wasn't sure how Venice managed to shadow him so well. Even when he traveled between rooms, taking breaks in hidden corners. Dancing to songs as though he were alone in his room. The way he used to. Drink after drink, Nessa drowned himself in them. He couldn't stop once he started.

Everything was doused in an aura of colors

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Everything was doused in an aura of colors. Everyone was not quite themselves. The earth was apart of her as she danced. She wasn't lowly Keely, a girl without a true family — a true purpose. She was apart of the universe. Her body moved not to the beat of the music, but to the beat of the Milky Way as it glittered and spun with each passing second.

To put it simply, Keely had not been able to resist it when she was offered a tab LSD. Even as it was dissolving on her tongue, entering into her system where it would infect her very core of being, she couldn't bring herself to fully regret her decision. Keely just kept telling herself that Emi would forgive her. Emi would have to.

But the problem was, Keely had no idea where Emi even was. They had gotten separated what felt like an eternity ago. She missed the feeling of Emi's hands, her jewelry clattering against Keely's wrists as they danced. Suddenly feeling very cold, Keely tried to focus on the faces of the rainbow people around her.

Some were not quite faces though, at least, not human ones. They were the faces of things that she had never seen before. Angels, demons, aliens, animals. A rather disturbing insect man dancing with a rabbit woman. Keely laughed at how peculiar it was, but she was certain that neither creature was hers.

She wasn't sure how exactly she knew that, but she just did. Nothing in the world would keep her from recognizing her girl. Even after Emi and Keely's fight, she loved her with everything within her. All of the fairy dust filling her veins. The heart pumping her blood. Everything. Keely dreamed that her and Emi would live happily ever after, like the characters from a children's storybook. Only a much more gay version than the books she read as a child.

All she knew was that she felt good. Not empty or sad or depressed. But alive. And that was why she wished to share her experience with Emi, but she would have to go on a bit of a scavenger hunt first. Emi left her quite some time ago, saying something about needing a smoke. But when Keely went outside, all of the faces on the stoop weren't that of Emi's.

What bothered her just a bit, was the fact that Emi was very drunk the last time Keely had seen her. She worried a bit about if she had been taken advantage of. Then she remembered that it was Emi. Only a fool would attempt that, and that poor fool would be buried in a ditch by now.

However, still no Emi did turn up.

With each passing second, Keely only wanted to know her whereabouts more. Her brain concluded that if she didn't find her soon, she would have to start asking around. But then she got the overwhelming urge to use the bathroom, so she told herself that Emi would have to wait for a little while longer.

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