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Songs poured from his record player, but he couldn't bring himself to stand up and dance. Not today, he thought to himself. There was no ignoring the universe right now, or the way his hair never seemed to stop standing on end. He was anticipating something, but he didn't wish to find out what.

Everything seemed to be slipping from the shelf of their lives

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Everything seemed to be slipping from the shelf of their lives. Kiwi didn't understand what was going on, or why they wouldn't listen to him. The lunch table was more quiet than normal, in fact, no one was talking at all.

Emi wasn't braiding Keely's hair like she would on a normal day, instead focused on something she was reading on her phone. Keely was picking at her food, blonde locks more unruly than normal. Venice sat as silent as ever, Twix bar in hand, but he had only taken a few bites. Ilya devoured his lunch just like he would on any given day, but he had no sexual remarks to embark on today.

What was going on? Everyone was in such deep thought, while he simply sat there, wondering how they became so divided out of nowhere. Kiwi thought that yesterday was just an anomaly, but it was now Wednesday, and things were still just as odd. No matter how hard he tried to focus on his salad, he couldn't really enjoy the food.

Even Venice was more off than normal, which was what confused Kiwi more than anything. He didn't know that it was even possible for that to happen. His fork clattered against the plastic container, his lips pursed as he placed his palms out in front of him.

"What is going on?" He asked them all, their eyes drifting his way. Looking at each of them, Kiwi couldn't help but feel sad once he remembered the fact that Nessa's new spot beside Emi was currently empty. He belonged there, and it was depressing to see that he was missing a second day of school.

"What?" Ilya asked him, brushing black curls from his blue eyes.

"Don't act oblivious!" Kiwi was frustrated, wanting to know why they were all acting so weird. "Am I missing something? Not even Emi and Keely are fawning over each other, something is clearly very wrong."

That was when the two girls exchanged glances, Keely's eyes remorseful and Emi's pained. It only furthered his frustrations, making him let out an annoyed huff.

"Why is no one else bringing this up?" Kiwi leaned forward and turned to look at Venice for a long moment, who stared blankly back. "Even you're acting weird."

"God, I thought I was going crazy." Ilya sighed, as though suddenly relieved. "I thought I was just losing my mind or something. I agree with Kiwi, something is fucked up and you're each radiating it, so someone please spit it out."

But none of the three made a move to respond. Not even Keely, who would normally have no problem speaking up. Kiwi didn't expect Venice to explain himself, but he excepted Keely to. Which was why he was so shocked. It felt as though he had slept through an earthquake, and no one was planning to fill him in on it.

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